Taking Some Time Apart

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Camila wakes up the next morning with a massive hangover. She groans as she sits up in bed and notices a glass of water and two Aspirin pills on top of a napkin on the nightstand. She grabs the two pills and the glass of water before downing them all completely.

The brunette sets the glass down on the nightstand before grabbing her phone.

On the lock screen, there's a message from Liam, and she clicks on it so their messages pop up.

Liam- Dinah went home last night and I was called into the studio today. It's just you and the house so don't wreck it

The brunette laughs softly as she presses on the message bar, her keyboard popping up, and she types back.

Camila- I'm not Dinah

She puts her phone in her back pocket and stands up as she walks out of the bedroom she's in. Camila walks down the steps and walks into the kitchen so she can start making herself some breakfast. The brunette doesn't want to but she needs to go back to her house so she can get some clothes.

After she finishes cooking herself up some breakfast and putting it on the plate, Camila sits down at the dinner table as she checks the time on her phone to see that it's 10:30 AM meaning the kids are at school and her wife is at work.

Camila puts her phone down as she takes a deep breath, her wife is at work, her boss is the man she cheated on her with, and is pregnant with his kid.

She grips her fork handle tightly as she puts her phone down and adverts her attention to finishing her breakfast.

After finishing her breakfast and washing the dishes, Camila locks the front door behind her as she calls an Uber.

Once the Uber arrived, picked her up, the trip was being a couple of minutes long, the Uber finally drops the brunette off by the sidewalk in front of her house.

Camila pays the Uber driver and gets out, closing the door before the car drives away.

The brunette stares at her house before walking quickly across the driveway as she inserts her keys and unlocks the door. She opens it slowly and steps in as she looks around while listening for any noise. Camila quietly shuts the door behind her as she jogs up the stairs, over to her bedroom, and opens the door.

She steps inside and looks around to see that everything is tidied up.

"It doesn't even look like she slept in here. She probably fucking didn't," Camila whispers to herself.

The brunette walks over to her nightstand table, opening the drawer and grabs a picture inside before she walks over, opening the door to her closet and walks in as she grabs a duffle bag and starts to shove clothes inside.


The brunette freezes up mid-shoving clothes as she closes her eyes, hoping it's not true but then she turns around and sees Lauren standing there.

Camila shoves the last clothing in her bag and the picture before zipping it up as she stands up.

She tries pushing past her wife but Lauren stands her ground and doesn't let Camila slip past her.

"Don't... Please don't. I need to talk to you," Lauren says.

"Aren't you suppose to be at work?" Camila says.

The green-eyed girl shakes her head and looks down at her hands as she plays with her fingers. "I called in today. I threw up this morning," Lauren says.

Camila slides the strap on one of her shoulders and looks down at the floor. "It's just the pregnancy," She says.

"So... You're leaving?" Lauren frowns.

Undiscovered TruthsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora