Old Faces

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Lauren gently pushes Zayn away and slips out from under him. "Our rules were clear though, Zayn. No feelings involved," Lauren says.

"It doesn't look like it when you're with me," Zayn leans against the table.

"I love my wife, Zayn. I love no one else," Lauren says.

"Bullshit. This isn't your first rodeo. You've cheated on Camila once before," Zayn says.

"Shut the fuck up. I was a dumbass back then," Lauren seethes.

"And what's your reason now, huh?" Zayn raises a challenging eyebrow.

"I don't fucking know anymore," Lauren says.

"You don't? Let me remind you then that the reason you are so successful is because of me, the son of the man who owns the hospital," Zayn says.

"You're such a damn dick," Lauren says. She steps a little more far away from him and ends up catching Camila coming towards them. "Get the fuck out of here before she notices you," Lauren says to Zayn.

Zayn picks up his glass of whiskey, raises it at Lauren, and leaves after winking at her.

"Sorry for taking long, mi amor," Camila stops in front of her wife. 

"It's okay," Lauren takes her drink from the brunette.

"It's hot today. Let's go enjoy the water or the time to tan. Whatever you want to do," Camila says.

"Let's go in the water," Lauren says and walks past her wife.

Camila just looks at Lauren with furrowed eyebrows then towards the way the mysterious man disappeared off to. She swears she has seen him before.

"Camila?" Lauren calls.

Camila looks at Lauren and raises an eyebrow. "Oh! Coming," She says.

After finishing their alcoholic beverages they enter the water as Camila holds Lauren against her, the waves washing over them.

She looks at Lauren's left hand where her wedding ring is as she runs her thumb over it. "I thought you lost this," Camila says.

"I found it," Lauren says. She takes her hand out of Camila's grip and pulls away from her.

"Is something wrong?" Camila asks.

"No. Everything's fine," Lauren says.

"Are you sure?" Camila grips her wife's hand under the water.

"Camz..." Lauren says seriously.

"Sorry..." Camila frowns. She looks down at the water as she starts to swish her hands around in the water.

"Let's not fight again," Lauren says.

"We won't," Camila shakes her head.

"Look at me," Lauren says.

Camila hesitates but then lifts her head so she looks at her wife.

"I love you, Camila. No matter what... Always remember that," Lauren cups Camila's cheek.

Camila nods slowly and takes Lauren's hand off her cheek.

"Please say it," Lauren says.

"I love you too," Camila says.

Lauren frowns knowing that's all she's going to get out of the brunette. "If you're not feeling up to it we can go back to the resort," Lauren says.

She moves to swim back to the shore but Camila pulls her back to her.

"Who was that guy?" Camila asks.

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