A Major Break Through

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Lauren and Camila head downstairs after the brunette made the phone call.

They sit down on the couch as Camila stares down at her lap and Lauren stares worriedly at her wife.

"I don't know what's worse. This or... What happened with Shawn," Camila speaks softly.

"I'll say they're both tied right now," Lauren says.

Camila lays her head on Lauren's shoulder who responds by kissing the crown of her head.

They wait in silence until the sound of the doorbell breaks it.

Camila gets up quickly and rushes to the front door as Lauren follows.

The brunette opens the door and sees Detective Rose standing there.

"I came as quickly as I could. What did you mean that you may know who sent that note?" Detective Rose says.

"Come in," Camila says.

He steps inside and Camila closes the door as the three of them move into the living room.

Detective Rose sits down across the two girls as he waits for one of them to speak up.

"It could have been our daughter," Camila finally speaks.

Detective Rose scoots closer to the edge of the couch at the sound of this. "May I ask why?" He asks.

"You see my eldest daughter, Grace, isn't really Camila's daughter, just mine. We've already had a suspicion that it could've been her because she's... Grown a love towards Camila but not as a mother and daughter kind," Lauren says.

"I see. Keep going," Detective Rose says.

"We went searching around the house so that our suspicions weren't confirmed but... We believe she sent that note and here is evidence that we found in a locked drawer of her desk," Camila says.

She grabs the plastic bag on the coffee table and hands it to Detective Rose who takes it and examines it.

"Is this all that was in there?" Detective Rose asks.

"No there was more but we left it in the drawer," Camila says.

"Show me to it," Detective Rose stands up.

The girls follow and they head upstairs into Grace's room where the drawer was left open.

Detective Rose takes out gloves and puts them on as he picks up and examines every item.

"There is no doubt that your daughter can be a suspect of sending that threat note and that she can be the one who killed Shawn Mendes," Detective Rose turns to face the two girls.

"You're taking her in, aren't you?" Camila frowns.

"She's the only suspect we have. Do you know where she is?" Detective Rose asks.

"No. Ever since everything went down that night, she left the house and disappeared," Lauren says.

"No one 'disappears' forever. I'll start sending out officers to search for her and if we find her or get some sort of clue as to what are her whereabouts, I'll let you guys know," Detective Rose says.

"Thank you, Detective Rose," Both girls say at the same time.

Detective Rose stands up and the girls follow as they shake his hand.

"I should get back to the station. You two stay safe," Detective Rose says.

"You too," Both girls say.

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