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A couple of months later...

Everything has been going down a good road, Grace has been making process in the mental hospital, and Sofia and the twins have been handling this situation well, they do miss Grace but they go see her almost all the time accompanied by either their parents or their grandparents.

Camila and Lauren are currently sleeping when the green-eyed girl feels her contractions intensify.

Lauren reaches over and grabs a hold of Camila's arm, squeezing tight.

"Lauren! That fucking-"

"I know but it's happening," Lauren says in between breaths.

Camila quickly stands up and enters the closet to grab her wife's duffle bags.

The brunette has been through two pregnancies so all of this doesn't affect her anymore especially when Lauren gave birth to the twins.

The bruises she had for months because of how hard Lauren had gripped her.

"Focus on your breathing, amor," Camila says.

She swings the duffle bags around her shoulders before walking over to help her wife stand up.

Lauren lets out a yell of pain as Camila drapes one of her arms across her shoulders.

As they make their way downstairs, Camila pulls her phone out to call Clara.

"Wait, Camila, the kids," Lauren breathes out.

"Calling your mother. She'll bring them with her," Camila says.

She brings the phone to her ear, waiting for Clara to pick up the phone.

"It's three in the morning, Camila," Clara's voice rings through the phone.

"I know but it's happening I need you and Michael to come to get the kids. I need to take Lauren to the hospital quickly," Camila says.

There is shuffling and background talking coming from the phone.

"We'll be there as quick as we can," Clara's voice finally comes clear.

"We'll see you at the hospital," Camila says.

The brunette hangs up and grabs her car keys from where they hang by the front door as she opens the door.

"Come on, baby, I need you to work with me or we'll go slower," Camila says.

Lauren keeps her focus on breathing as she moves with Camila instead of going ahead of her or behind her.

At the car, Camila unlocks it as she helps Lauren into the car, buckling her up before she closes the door and quickly makes around to the driver's side.

After speeding through the streets, they finally arrive at Malik Edenbrook hospital.

"Someone help! My wife is in labor," Camila yells when she enters the lobby.

Lauren screams, the contractions worsening as a group of nurses and doctors rush over with a stretcher.

Carefully, the doctors help Lauren onto the stretcher before they rush her over to the elevator.

One of the nurses approaches the brunette. "Your Dr. Cabello's wife, correct?" She asks.

"Yes, I am," Camila says.

"I need you to sign some documents and confirm all of Dr. Cabello's information," The nurse says.

"Yeah of course," Camila says.

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