Private Investigator

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Camila opens the front door to reveal her brother-in-law.

"Thank you for coming, Louis," Camila says, stepping off to the side. 

Louis nods and enters the house, dressed in a fine suit and a briefcase in his hands. "Glad to be here. But why do you need me here?" Louis asks.

Camila closes the front door as she leads Louis into the living room. "Because your a private investigator and I need your services," Camila says.

Louis sits down on one of the couches, setting his briefcase down on the coffee table. "Who do you need me to investigate?" Louis asks.

"Lauren," Camila says.

Louis's eyes widen as he stares at his sister-in-law. "Let me get this straight. You want me to investigate your wife?" Louis asks.

"Yes," Camila sits down on the couch across from him.

"Why?" Louis asks.

"I have my suspicions that she's hiding something and I want to know what," Camila says.

"Well, I suppose you turned into my client now and I can't say 'don't to do it'. But as your brother-in-law, I am telling you," Louis says.

"And I don't wish to do this. She's my wife. But I need to know. I want to know what has my wife so distant," Camila says.

Louis nods as he stands up. "I will get right on it but I'm going to tell you right now that it will be a long process," He says.

"How long?" Camila asks, standing up as well.

"If you want full detail one month. Plus, I have to dig into people's life. That isn't quite easy," Louis says.

They walk over to the front door as Camila opens it while they step out.

"You're the greatest private investigator I know though," Camila smiles.

"Thank you. I am pretty great but let me see. Do you want me to dig into six years ago, right?" Louis asks.

"Yes," Camila nods.

"Six years Camila. You understand why it would take quite a bit of time, do you?" Louis says.

"I suppose," Camila says.

"Well then, I should be off," Louis says.

"See you, Louis. And thank you," Camila says.

"Of course," Louis says. He hugs his sister-in-law goodbye before walking over to his car, entering it, and driving away.

Camila closes the front door as she walks over to her home office. She doesn't want to do this but she needs to know why her wife is so distant, what changed her. Camila is honestly afraid of what Louis will tell her but she has a feeling her wife will never tell her so this is the only way. Camila pulls her phone out wanting to call Louis so he can turn back and cancel the investigation before it even starts but she just sets it on her desk face down.

About an hour or two later, Camila gets an alert on her phone that the front door was opened as she stands up from her desk and leaves her home office.

She walks over and gets startled to see Lauren standing in front of the door.

"You're home. Very, very early," Camila says.

Lauren sets her things on the stand beside the door as she walks over to her wife.

"I know but I... I left so early in the morning and I wanted to apologize for last night," Lauren says.

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