Reunion of friends - Part 2

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Nicholas Bretons

When dad said that I am going to get married to the girl, who is the daughter of his best friend, that also came as the richest and eligible family in England. The dukes. Which is a little shocking because my dad certainly hit a nerve as surprisingly everyone in the room felt it. 

"You are just like Sophia, Nora" dad said. Sophia? Doesn't ring a bell, but it seems like someone important. I stared at everyone's reaction. Even Nora was frozen on her seat. "Innocent, fragile yet smart and sharp."

Everyone is shocked, surprisingly except me. What kind of gathering is it when there are no secrets? Elizabeth and Sana came into the room at the same time and smiles dropped from their faces as they stared at dad. Mr. Duke drops his hand from his shoulder. He also stared at dad. Lucy confused at the dead silent room she glanced in Nora direction to reach her but held herself, even Seth and Violette sat down quietly also staring at dad. While everyone was staring at dad I stared at Nora; her hand was curled around the glass, a small curl of her lips barely smiled but it was there. My own smile came, it's going to be so much fun. 

"James, what are you say-" 

"Of course, I look like her she is my mother after all." She said cutting her dad. I stared at my father as he stared at Nora, shocked. WOW, I can never cut off my dad. Dad and Nora exchange look, are they exchanging code words or something? Then there was voice of glass shattering, we all turned around except dad and Nora. Sana dropped her glass of champagne and looked at Nora than at Mr. Duke. Tears threatened to come out of her eyes, I narrowed my eyes to her. She put a hand on her mouth, Elizabeth rubbed her back, she was crying? I want to laugh, seriously. It made sense when Sana ran out of the room and Mr. Duke after. Lucy also sprinted and ran after both of them. Something was going to happen. Nora was just sitting there drinking her juice. Lucy took a glance at Nora, concerned flickered but then she shook her head, running out. Her mother was more important, I thought shrugging. 

"Dad, what's happening here?" Seth was the one who spoke first before me. Nora glanced at him, then at dad. He nodded toward her and turned around to Seth. 

"Nothing. Elizabeth took the kids home." He said, at first, she just stood there staring at Nora. "ELizabeth!" He called her hearing dad's voice she pulled Violette and Seth, but Seth denied it. 

"I would come with you. I am not going anywhere." Just that I realized my own presence and circumstances, I nodded towards him. Nora was still drinking her juice. A little later Mr. Duke came and pulled Nora with her forearm, her glass shattered on the ground, and as he pulled her to her feet he slapped her, hard. I was on my feet, that wasn't what I expected. He raised his hand again; I was going to stop him but dad was by her side before me. He grabbed his wrist and jerked it away. 

"Are you in your senses, David?" Dad said, Mr. Duke ran a hand through his hair. "She is just a child." Dad said. Nora didn't budge from her place; it was like she wasn't faded by it. She removes her hair from her face, a cut on lips. I was too close to touch her. I narrowed my eyes and there were some faded marks on her neck.

"She is not a child." David said, "She knows what she is doing and saying." He said glaring towards her. She didn't look at him, Seth gave her a glass of water, she glanced at him then silently took the glass and drank it within a gulp. "Your mother fainted in the park." He almost raises his voice. 

"She is not my mother." She said in a quiet voice. Nora glanced at him but quickly looked away. 

"You..." David again jumped on her, but I grabbed her wrist and pulled her behind me. Both of us face-to-face. 

"Enough, Mr. Duke. You can't treat your child like that." His jaw clenched at my statement. Her wrist is still in my hand. This scene explained the marks on her neck, I don't know but anger rise in me. He steps close to me.

"Don't tell me how to treat my own child." He said, reaching for her hand but I stepped, clutching her hand tightly. 

"David." dad warned, "go where you have to be. I will drop her." At first it looked as if he didn't hear him but then he stepped back glaring at her, then sprinted out of the room. "I said you to go with kids." He said to Elizabeth. Who was standing there for a while. She took a glance at Nora, then chined toward Seth. Dad looks back at him, he was rubbing Nora back. Her hand was still in mine. "He will come with us."  Elizabeth nodded and went out of the room. Nora silently pulled her hand out of mine.

"Thanks." She said quietly so only I could hear, I nodded. Dad went toward her and put arm around her; she pushed it away gently and stood straight. "Don't pity me." She mumbled. She looked back at the door as if someone would just come and drag her out. 

"No one will come." I felt myself speaking. She looked at me, her eyes sparkling. She clutched my hand in hers.

"Help me." She said it so quietly that no one could hear but everyone did.

And then I get that my life wasn't messed up as hers was.  

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