The loss of precious

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A night where three lost friends meet again, or maybe the last time. It was cold night, the coldest night. Winter breeze was harsh in London. People wearing coats and long boots, enjoying this wintry days.

A car stops in front of the restaurant, a beautiful women came out of car in her hands there was a little baby boy. A handsome man came beside her and put a hand on her back, smiling at his wife and glancing at his son. They both went with smiles plastered on their faces. They have  reservation table with four chairs in a room. A room of their own, which only they own. In the most expensive restaurant in London they scrabbled so many things in this room.

After they seated another person came. She wore a short white dress paired with white shoes heels. She was a gorgeous woman with a cute baby girl in her hand. Holding a prom she went inside where her friends were seated, her husband didn't came though they were all friends, they let it go. 

The restaurant was from when they were children, they love to come here. They've written so many promises, quotes, curses  here and there was a painting of them when they were kids. All four of them arms on each other shoulder, smiling brightly like they are the happiest people on Earth. Like there was never sadness between them. Only love and friendship.

They talked, laughed, cried with all their heart out like this night would never come again, like they were meeting for the last time, like they would never have a tomorrow together like this. After spending the whole night they all went out of the restaurant and sat in their own car. It was already midnight.

It was their best night, yet only after sometime it became worst night ever in their life.

His parents were laughing, singing. But it changes into screaming, crying and pleading to God to only let their son to live. The car was going to hit by a truck, but his father turned the wheel, the car hit the tree. In the cold, alone in abounded forest.

His parents were barely moving, he was crying. But no one came to hear his screaming.

His father got conscious, his forehead bleeding but he opened his eyes and saw his son was crying. He looked at his mother who was all bloody, heads down and clutching him to her heart, his father eyes were wide, pupils dilated like in panic. He started waking his mother, shook her, shout at her but she doesn't or couldn't respond. His father got out of the car, limping on the road looking for any help but no one came, the truck who was going to hit them was also gone.

His father hears him crying, he turned towards him and pulls him out. Crying, he looks at him for injury but there were none. He again tried to shake her up but it was hard he felt he was devastated. He felt he lost his way, don't know what to do. He put his son on the back seat and moved his mother a little, he jumped back and almost threw up. The glass shred of the car window was on stuck her side of head. Blood was spilling out of her head, nonstop. His father, pull himself together and pulled his mother out and laid her on the road. He tried to pull the shred out of her head but he couldn't do it, he try not throw up. He started to find his phone in his pockets then he crouch on the driver but heard his son crying. He carried him and pulled him in to embrace to shush him only for him to cry silently and try to take in the cruel scene in front of his eyes. The cruel truth in his mind. They were so happy and laughing and now they are crying. His father closed his eyes and clutched him to chest. My beloved wife. His father thought while clutching him to his heart. Silent tears streamed down his face. Oh Nicholas!

Her mother was in another car, in the back seat with her daughter in her hand, she was sleeping and her mother smiled looking at her, her eyes couldn't go anywhere else only to see this beautiful, fragile girl. The car came to a halt suddenly, she was pushed a head but caught herself. She glance at her child, she was still then she looks for the driver, but he was nowhere to see. Suddenly the four-window shattered, she covered her daughter. A little later she got up, crimson color liquid come Infront of her eyes. Her mother was bleeding from everywhere and he forehead got bruised. She barely get out of the car with her daughter clutching to her chest and looking for the driver she went out. She glanced at her daughter then looked for the driver on the road, she called his name but he was nowhere to be seen. She crouched inside the car to find her phone.

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