Amusement Park

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Nora Duke

Happiness? It was a word I wasn't familiar with until I met him. Even though it is for little while I am happy, I want to be happy. And right now his excitement was somehow making me more happy with the intense of thrill in it. Nicholas was really excited about where we were going. Its September and in Hawaii it is a warmer season but nights can get cold. Of course I know about the place but I never been there. I know what whether is usual around a year, what to eat, where the best places to go and I share it all with Nicholas. I never talked in my life, I think I uttered more words in this car then ever in my life. I was looking around, at the running scenery. 

 "Nicholas?" I called his name he hummed in response biting my lip I asked, "Where are we going?" I asked, and he sighed.

"Nora." His tone was warning. I asked him so many times that I lost count.

"Alright, don't tell me." I said, crossing my arms over my chest and looked outside the window. Nicholas put on music, I never listen to music only when Elena, my secretary asked me to, so I am not fond of it but I looked at him to strike up a conversation. "Do you like music?" I asked. He paused as to take a turn.

"Yeah, sometimes when I am bored or feel like reading." he nod. "Do you like music?" He asked. 

"No, but when I am working just put on something from jazz." I put my elbow on he arm rest and rest my chin on my palm looking at him. 

"Jazz? no, electric?" He asked I wrinkled my nose at him. 

"What's that?" He chuckled at my expression. 

"It's type a music where you want to dance to the music." He explained gesturing his hands in air. I looked at his hand with bored expression. 

"I never wanted to dance to the music." He chuckled again. 

"Come on, you would have heard someone." He asked with curiosity. I shook my head. "Someone?" I pulled my shoulder up. 

"Name someone famous and I would tell you if I know them." I said.  

"Oh, that would be fun. Ok. uhm..." He put his forefinger on his lips thinking , his one hand on his steering wheel. "Justin Bieber, he was famous when he was thirteen, he still is." 

"Yeah, that kid find his love when he was thirteen at that time I didn't even know what baby means." I said leaning my back on the seat. 

"Are you kidding me?" I gave him a serious look to believe and he only laughed. "Well, Eminem, he is a fastest rapper." He said. 

"He talk to fast I don't understand his words mostly." 

"One direction?" 

"They all talk about there teen days and mine didn't go well." 

"Ed Sheran?" 

"He is too romantic." 

"Dua Lipa?" 

"Oh, She's a traumatic one." I gave him my best smile. "But not more than me." 

"Billy Eilish?" 

"She's too boy-ish." 

"Taylor Swift?" 

"She had to write a song to get over her ex's, well don't you think I can do same thing with my step mother." It really made me thinking.

"Nora, you listen to music and no, but not every song by Taylor is about her ex." He defended. 

"Really?" I turned my body towards him. "But may people say that she mainly write about her ex's."

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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