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Nora Duke

I was on the balcony thinking, that is the only thing I can do, but if I want, I can do more. Only if I can. I am heiress and people think I have everything. Well, I have everything except freedom. And some people pity for that, mostly my own family. 

People are obsessed over me, my life, my parents, relationships, studies, friends' etcetera. If those people only knew about my past that would be a big headline. I laughed. I am in a good mood, a refreshing day and one of my last because I will soon be gone working my revenge on my enemies. I have the document will for me, four months later this will all be mine legally and Sana can't do anything about it. I sent the letter and James is on my side, he and his son would get me out of this hell. I would shift all my company to America, New York and live a new life forgetting everything here. My smile was wide as my arms spread and a cool breeze kissed my cheeks. Everything is according to my plan.

My smile fell when I realized there was one missing piece of puzzle. Elizabeth. I put my arms down and stared at the backyard where beautiful flowers were blooming and trees with fruits refreshed the air but never my life.   

"In this big world, where do I find you Elizabeth. Elizabeth. Elizabeth...." I trailed with her name, drumming my fingers on the railing. A knock came on the door. "Come in" I said, not looking to see who was there.

"Ma'am." I turned around to see a mate. "Mrs. Duke is calling you." I nod my head hinting her to go. She said, 'Mrs. Duke' unbelievable. "Urgently." I looked at her again and without any further explaining she went out. 

"Great now the servants would also treat me like a dirt." I threw my hands in the air as I wore slippers and went out. Seeing Sana sitting on couch sipping her tea and her daughter sat beside her arms crossed, she was angry. Sana looked up at me and I tensed under her gaze but composed myself. 

"First time in years you acknowledge, Simon. Better be important." I said while sitting on the couch coldly. I don't know how do I ever got the courage to say something like this to her. Lucy sat straighter; her anger gone. I looked at her cup and she did too, I looked away she wouldn't give it. But I was shocked when she pushed the cup towards me. I looked at her and she nodded at me, smiling. Hesitantly, I grabbed it. 

"Your aunt called" I ignored, sipping my tea. "Don't he excite," -I am not- "she just said that your mother death anniversary is coming you better have to prepare and something like that." I rolled my eyes. Why do you care you landlord? I thought but I would never say that, maybe after getting out of here. I smiled thinking that.

My aunt is in Canada, she doesn't care if I die or live, she just cares that she has money coming so sometimes act like she is a best aunt in the world. I don't really care about her; she is another I have to ignore and throw out of my life. I smiled thinking of the life after I got off here, taking revenge and living my life peacefully, tracing the rim of cup. 

"What are you smiling at?" Her voice rang in my ear, I looked up and Sana looked up at me disgustingly and Lucy confusedly. My smile fell.

"Nothing. I should be going." I hurriedly got up, put the cup on the table and climbed the stairs to get to my room, because there was nothing else had to do. If she gets to know about my plan, I would never leave this place again or I would never live to see the sunrise. I shook my thought away; I am Nora Duke heiress of Dukes I can never die without fighting. 

"Wait." I stopped in my tracks, exhaling, turning around as I controlled the rolling of my eyes. She stepped towards me. I want to take a step back but that would make me afraid of her and I am not. She grabbed my arm harshly pulling me close so only I could hear. "Don't get hopes up, if you are leaving this house, you are leaving as in a funeral box." she let me go, as I gave her a bewildered look. Crazy. "I know that smile very carefully, so don't." She whispered and I rolled my eyes. "Your father friends are coming, go get dress. I want to show them you are treated like princesses." She said swing her hair from her shoulder and going to her study. 

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