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Nicholas Bretons

My routine is the same every day.

I woke up, took a shower, went into my closet, picked a soft grey suit, picked a silver watch. I looked at the time and it was 9: 18. Annoyed, I went out of my room and headed downstairs to the dining room where my father, stepmother, stepsister and brother.

Three things are very important in my life.  My siblings, my best friend and my business. I live for these things and I would die for these things. 

I step out of my room, climbing off the stairs. Muttering 'morning' I sat on my chair beside my step brother and across from step sister. They glanced at me, my stepsister smiled at me and my stepbrother patted my back. I smiled at both of them. I took bread and took a sip of my coffee. "I hate to say it, Nicholas but why was I think-" Dad said.

"Todays a very important deal. No thank you." I said sipping my coffee and cutting him off. 

"Dear, why are you working so much? It would be bad for your health." My stepmother said, though I pretended I didn't hear it. "Why are you pushing Nicholas for things he doesn't want to do? " She said to dad serving him I grab the toast from Seth who was spreading jam on it. He glared at me and I put an apple in his mouth.

"What do you mean about his health? He is good as new every day I was just saying it would be good for him to have a vacation." He said and I shook my head. Violet nudged my foot under the table, he gave me a look, 'talk', I rolled my eyes.

"James." Dad looked at Elizabeth once she was seated beside Violet. "I was saying, Seth is on his vacation. You should hand him some tasks so he can handle business in future. You did that with Nicholas that too and now look at him." Dad looked at Seth, he just ate his breakfast.

"Well, he said he want to be author, I can't stop him he would study whatever he wants." Dad said to her. Seth choked on his breakfast and Violet hid her smile, he glared at her. "You should pay attention to your kids more than giving me advice on who to do business with, Elizabeth" he said as Elizabeth sat beside Violette rolling her eyes.

"I was just saying." She mumbled sipping her own coffee. Dad shook his head.

"I am going. Seth Violin come on." I said clapping my hands while dragging my chair back. Dad smacked the table hard and turned his gaze at me.

"You would come in my study before you went to office." He said and went upstairs muttering something under his breath. I gulped.

"Dad looked tense." Violette commented staring at his back.

"Your dad is always tense." Elizabeth muttered.

"Come on mom, you should stop." Seth spoke.

"What did I do? Nicholas, can you go to Violette school, I have an urgent meeting to attend, ok bye." She said giving us a kiss on cheek. 

"Nothing. That is what you did. You did nothing." Seth muttered when she was gone in the kitchen, Violette pouted. "Come on color." He said standing up face grim I also stood up as Violett kissed her mother cheek and hugged me.

"He's angry." She whispered.

"Not at me." I grinned and kissed the top of her head. She pulled out getting her back.

"You would pick us up." She ordered.

"I don't know, I would be late Violin." Her face fell. "Dad might." She cheered. Small things cheered her up. 

"Come on, we're late, you sloth." Seth called her and she waved at me.

"Bye mom, bye Nico." She shouted and ran out. 

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