Chapter 136-140

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Chapter 136 Honghe Garment Factory

    After all, Honghe Garment Factory is a small factory that has just started. There is no way to open a new production line directly like Huazhou City. Now it produces ordinary and simple clothes. Things have to be done step by step, so after discussing with Song Xiao, He Xingmei and Song Xiao only decided on two autumn styles.

    It's too late to catch up with the autumn styles now, they still have other supply orders in hand. He Xingmei plans to use these two autumn funds to test the waters for the supply and marketing cooperatives and department stores in the county. If they succeed, they can gradually replace the samples given by the provincial garment factory.

    After deciding on the approximate style and fabric, the fabric cost should be controlled within three yuan, plus other costs, at most four and five yuan. Even if they sell it for six yuan, they still have a profit of one yuan and five.

    Most places like supply and marketing cooperatives and department stores have special supply factories. If the difference is not too bad, people will basically not change the supply factory. After all, other interests, human relationships, etc. will be involved. However, if the difference is large, and there is a factory whose products are of good quality and popular and have a large profit margin, it is very likely that they will be allowed to supply them.

    The busy time passed quickly, and it was noon all at once.

    When the time came, He Xingmei squeezed her shoulders, "Staying at the provincial garment factory for a week is not as good as learning from you for half a day."

    Song Xiao smiled, "What you lack is the basics. Once you understand it, it will be easier later.

    " , The master in the provincial garment factory might also tell me the simplest things. The master who took me was pretty good and taught a lot. Unfortunately, I didn't understand it very well." Song Xiao was also very sorry

    . The pattern-making masters who can enter the provincial garment factory are also somewhat capable. If it was not for the unlucky encounter with Song Yuan, Song Xiao felt that he might still want to work in the provincial garment factory.

    Forget it, you can't think too much about the things that have been settled. If you think too much, you will easily feel unwilling. Moreover, Honghe Garment Factory is actually quite good.

    The people here are just nice.

    For example, she took a lunch box to the dining hall to cook. The workers here are very enthusiastic, and they take a mouthful of "Master Song". There are many dishes, and the meat in the lunch box is much more than others. The chef said in a deep voice: "Master Song is not enough, then add more."

    His face was fierce, but what he said showed another attitude.

    He Xingmei also received this kind of treatment, and she was used to it for a long time, so she comforted her by saying, "It's okay, the chef is eccentric and not everyone is eccentric, my dad doesn't have this kind of treatment." The clothing pattern making room became Song Xiao's exclusive office

    , The key to the house was given to her alone, and other people were forbidden to come in at will, for fear that the samples would be taken away. It's similar to that in Huazhou City. Everyone has a cabinet to store their own things, but they are afraid that the samples they made will be taken out.     It was a bit messy at first, but after Song Xiao came, he tidied it up, and moved the two extra desks out to the office next door, and it became much more spacious in an instant.     In the afternoon, Director He came back to the factory and went straight to the printing room.     "Master Song, Xingmei, will our factory still make orders for the provincial garment factory next month?" She wiped her palms expectantly, waiting for a big job.     But He Xingmei directly poured cold water on him, "We still have other people's supply orders in our hands. Not only next month, but also the next month, we still have to finish the owed orders first. Otherwise, how can we pay workers? Director He let out an "oh" in disappointment, snorted his bald head, calmed down, and     asked, "Then what are your plans now, Xingmei, tell me." "We still have the list in hand.     " Do it normally, this is a promise, and you can’t break your promise, otherwise it will affect the reputation of Honghe Garment Factory. But now the production task is not heavy, so I will make two autumn models first, and talk about it when I go to deliver the goods Let’s see how many orders can be negotiated and see if we still want to buy the winter samples from the provincial clothing factory.” “     In addition, we need to recruit two more salesmen and ask them to find orders.”

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