Chapter 23: Wildfire

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Your PoV

"May I know how long have you been living here?" I asked Liz after we just had a deep talk.

Something in me doesn't really want to talk about it. Especially since I am not sure of the life of this person I am using. I don't want to add up some lies again.

"About a year... Well, we all know that the vampire attack started more than five years ago. But, all of us here came from a secure place. We love our place so much that we chose to stay there. But then, the vampires accessed it. We lost our home and when we tried to ask for the help of the upper border, they refused..."


"Yeah... I guess it's not just the vampires who made our life miserable. Also the people on that upper border."

"How did you find this place?"

"We continued to travel... Together. But that doesn't save us from the vampires. We lost many people until we found this place. It's a silent forest from the east. If you're going to imagine the map of this country, the south border was allegedly claimed by the vampires. The upper part was also locked and secured. But there are some parts that they missed, some parts in the east. Meaning, they only closed the upper west and upper mid." Liz explained.

I just realized that the reigning of the vampire clan had started 8 years ago. Most of the people here were just young when they left their hometown.

"Maybe if the government was able to announce to us earlier that there's something like this. It was late when they put the country on red alert. We had no choice but to stay in our place because we thought it was safer there."

"They mentioned that there are people who are willing to help us. Not just those military but people that were trained for this."

As Liz said, I already know that she's referring to us.

"Our people are just living peacefully. Without any weird creatures like this. But then vampires came."

"I heard those people were not normal. Like... They have superpowers. Do you think it's their fault that they failed to protect us?" I asked.

"Superpowers? So that wasn't fake news. I guess it's just really unexpected that vampires can be as strong as this. Even powered people had failed to protect us."

"You know I think all of them were dead now. Coz if they're still alive, they should still be doing their best to save people like us. Or maybe they are still alive, but only choose the people they should save."

She's right... Either of the three may be true. But what I don't know is which of the three I am. Am I dead? Am I here to save people? Or do I only save those who I want?

"That's why I still hope that the people in the upper border would finally let us. I want to live normally again. You know, go to school, have fun with friends." Liz said.

The day continued and I stayed at the same place where Liz left me. It's getting dark already and I'm pretty sure the elders will be back sooner. I hope there's something that can fulfill my thirst later.

The last night was enough to fill me up. Even if its tastes and effects were different. Still, it is better that I have one than nothing.

"Aren't they supposed to be here already by this time?" I heard Gaeul asked to the others.

"You're right... It's getting dark, it'll be dangerous if they are still out by this time." Lily said.

"We probably have to go out. Some will stay here while we go out." Haewon said.

"Wait, we are not sure. Maybe they are already on the way." Karina said.

"So what, we're just going to stay here and do nothing? You guys will stay here, I'll go out with the others."

"Haewon, you can't just decide just like that. You know how dangerous night is. "

"That's why I'm bringing weapons with us. Don't worry, we'll be careful."

After that, Haewon went out with four boys who are the same age as her.

I looked around as I checked if someone was looking for me. Everyone was alert since the elders aren't back yet.

I used that opportunity to sneak out of the place. For some reason, I can't just stay there. I have a feeling that something will happen.

As I was able to escape the place, I followed Haewon and the others but I made sure that they won't see me.

I was just following them behind hiding behind trees sometimes on the trunk of trees.

"They are not around. Do you think something happened to them?"

"Probably...  we need to go back and tell them."  I heard Haewon reply.

They just turned, planning to head back when something else happened which made them stop.

As I saw the people who made Haewon and the others stop heading back, I already have a clue that they aren't here to help.

It seems like they were able to track this place now.

I saw Haewon and the others went alarmed. Probably they already know that they are vampires as it's obvious.

"I knew this place isn't empty after all. And you seem like you have more friends. Just in time that we need feeders."

As I heard that, I confirmed that they are from the vampire clan where I left. It will be dangerous for me if they found out that I'm still alive. I'm sure the vampires in that place assumed I am dead already.

But I can't leave them.

Instead of showing, I decided to stay where I am. I used my power to help Haewon and the others. Knocking the vampires out of their way.

I saw that Haewon was surprised and confused. But instead of using that time to run back, something happened that I didn't expect.

Haewon became two people. Not just her, the others also have superpowers like absorbing solid material like metal. The other one has invisibility. One has a laser coming out of his eyes. And the last one turned his hand into a sharp blade.

"Make sure no one will escape this place alive," Haewon said making the others nod and started to attack the vampires.

I was surprised by the way they fight the vampires. Which confused me also...  If they have power, then why didn't see them at school? Could be there some people like us who didn't go to the same school where I went?

I snapped as I saw a vampire behind Haewon. Before it could attack her, I used my power. She turned and was surprised but eventually got back and pierced the vampire straight to his heart.

I looked around and saw that they defeated all the vampires... Just like that!

"Let's go back! We have to warn them." Haewon said.

I immediately made my turn and leave them first. I ran fast, jumping off the trunks of trees.

I stopped as I get a sight of the place where I last left. My eyes stared in horror as I saw the fire start up and vampires already attacking them.

"This can't be."

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