1| Gotta Get Outta Here

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It sounded like a car bomb magnified a hundred times with the blaze and smoke taking over the once beautiful moonlit moment

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It sounded like a car bomb magnified a hundred times with the blaze and smoke taking over the once beautiful moonlit moment. One end of the yacht had disappeared in a second and all you could see through the dense smoke is debris splashing into the ocean. Taehyung could not even register a thought. With his mouth wide open, he acted on adrenaline alone because his brain was no longer functional. He moved just in time as the beauty he called Honey was going overboard. His instincts alone sent him thereafter.

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Two Days Ago...
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Walking through the exclusive hall at his business building, Taehyung couldn't believe that after all these years he was still one of the last to leave the office. As CEO, anyone with common sense would think that he'd be the first to leave, especially when there was a vacation to get jump-started. As he waited for his private elevator on the top floor of the Kim Tower, he called his friend and yachting companion. Getting into the elevator he heard the receptionist.

"Good afternoon. How may I help you?" The personal assistant asked.

"Irene, it's Taehyung. Can you ring his office phone, please? His cell phone has been  going straight to voicemail for the past hour."

"Sure Mr. Kim," Irene answered and connected the call to the one private number.

"This is Kai," he answered.

"Hey, Kai. It's Tae. Plug your cell phone up asshole! Been calling for like an hour!"

"You know how bad I am about plugging in shit! I'm almost done here and I'll meet you at the port alright? Oh and one more thing, will I need to bring my security detail? Or you got me covered?" Taehyung usually provided security for them both as Kai didn't want to use his detail but for his own official business. He had security when he traveled because being a famous model in New York could be problematic.

Since Taehyung is the one who at the last minute planned the trip and invited him two days ago, surely his former high school buddy could foot the bill.

Taehyung answered "Oh absolutely. But I'm not having to use much detail this weekend. No one knows where I'm headed. Not even my staff. And I've told no one that you're coming along with me for that matter. We will be safe and in the clear."

He continued, "However, I have other news. You know my smaller yacht is being remodeled for resale so we will be in the larger Chalise. She's a beauty with great staff but there are like maybe 5 or so guests that will be on the yacht as well. We may not even encounter them. But wanted to give you a heads up."

"Are any of them some hot chicks?" Kai asked while chuckling.

"Dude, who even says 'chicks' anymore? Who are you? And I'm not sure who the guests are," Taehyung answered.

"And you're one to talk. Because we don't say 'dude' anymore. It's now 'bro.'" They both laughed and thought it was funny how irrelevant they had gotten to be at the ripe age of 30.

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