Squinting her eyes open, she turned her head to look at me. “The same one?” she asked, and I hummed in response. Moving up, she reached over to the bedside lamp on her side and flicked it on. The room became less dim and I could see the concern on her gorgeous face. “Why have you been having these dreams?”

I too sat up and ran a hand through my damp hair in frustration. I wish I could respond to her question, since I’d wondering about it too. I couldn’t just rule it off as my sub conscience playing tricks on me, this is a freaking premonition. I’m not really a superstitious guy, but I do believe in the power of prophetic dreams, as funny as it might sound.

Seeing my inner turmoil, she scooted closer to me, taking my hand in hers and using her other one to cup my cheek. “There’s nothing to worry about, my love. Everything’s going to be alright,” she cooed at me, her voice angelic. And yet, my frigging nerves wouldn’t calm down.

I leaned into her touch and squeezed her hand. “What if it’s not going to be okay, huh Maya? I’ve never been this on edge before, and I don’t think those nightmares mean nothing? Don’t you understand that I cannot lose you or this baby,” I murmured lowly, my voice unrecognisable with anguish. I’m not one to express my feelings most of the times, but this time around, I couldn’t contain the agony of such a notion running through my mind every other hour. 

This time she used both her hands to make me face her. I could sense that my rather insensitive words had affected her too, judging by the watery rim surrounding her lower lids. Her lips were quirked upwards in a sad smile. “I know you’re scared; hell, I’m scared too. But there really is no reason for us to be. I’m fine, our son is fine, the twins are fine. We’re fine because we have you, and we will always be together no matter what,” she affirmed courageously, rubbing the sides of my face with her thumbs.

Dipping my head forward, I connected my lips with hers. As usual, she quickly reciprocated and allowed my tongue to explore with no hindrances. It’s funny how just a few meaningful words can make all the fears and insecurities fade away, like they weren’t even there in the first place. I roamed my hands on her golden-brown thighs, eliciting a delightful moan from her.

She moved backwards, her fingers trailing into my hair. Her eyes were fully dilated and hooded, and I bet mine didn’t look any different. “Knowing you, a kiss isn’t the only thing you want right now, is it?” she questioned with a tiny smirk. This woman knows me too well.

Inching my hands up higher underneath her nightdress, I clasped her hips and gave them a squeeze. The small action made her bite her lip and something within me stirred. I might sound like a hormonal teenage boy, but there will never be a moment when I don’t want to feel her bare body pressed against mine, reaching new heights of ecstasy with every single stroke.

“Only if you’re willing to,” I replied calmly, but she could read me like a novel. It was long before the lights were off again, along with our clothes and undergarments.


“You know I don’t have to go, right? I can always get other clients better than them,” I said, stressing just how reluctant I was to fly across the globe just to close this deal. 

Maya gave me a stern looking, crossing her arms. “You’ve been trying to land this for years, and now you’re willing to let it slip past your fingers? I won’t allow it,” she replied fiercely, even shaking her head vehemently. 

So, I’d been wanting to have my business expand all the way to Japan for quite a while now. I’d been pursuing a project with a certain Japanese mogul who wanted to construct a dam, which is a pretty sweet deal. But he’d scheduled an abrupt meeting, saying that he wanted to go into business with my company, which mean I had to fly out there as soon as possible. The exact opposite of what I want. 

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