Chapter 16

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Theodore’s P.O.V

If there is anything that I’ve ever regretted, besides rushing to get married to a woman I didn’t quite know well, it is the fact that I kissed Maya.

And the worst part about it is I enjoyed it way too much.

Maya tasted so heavenly and so intoxicating that I had to battle the beast inside of me in order to refrain from taking her on that kitchen counter. It shocked me, to say the least, and even now as I sat down at my office desk going over my mail, I couldn’t seem to get the feel of her lips on mine out of my bloody mind.

I really shouldn’t have delved into something that has threatened my sanity like this. I had unwittingly allowed her to get under my skin and crawl her way into my crooked life, of which there really was no room for her in my mundane and generic lifestyle. I am what other people would say a ‘commitment-phobe’. I just wasn’t physically capable of it.

First of all, Maya is my employee and I’m her boss. We have no business get involved with each other, especially not when she will be leaving soon. I never planned for her to stay in my house for too long, maybe a couple of weeks but due to my selfishness and ulterior motives, I had long since prolonged it because her presence had become quite addictive. Goodness knows I’d tried to fight this and keep my raging hormones at bay but alas, I had failed to overcome them. And in so doing, I had blindly opened a Pandora’s box.

What the hell was I going to do now? I had all but risen early and gotten out of the house before the crack of dawn in order to avoid her. I couldn’t see her after our late night make-out session. It’s funny how any other day I would have pushed for more but I was just at an all-time low, the lowest I’d been in a while.

If it had been up to me, I wouldn’t have allowed Dana to have visitation rights. She had blatantly disregarded her motherhood and totally forgotten about our children so in my eyes, she didn’t deserve to see them at all. As an ultimate punishment, I’d hired the most ruthless lawyer I could find and had taken full custody of Brianna and Aiden, leaving her with virtually nothing.

Talking to Maya had brought be a sense of calm that I hadn’t had in quite a while. I’m sure she had pain of her own that she was dealing with which is why her words were so soothing. But like the jerk I am, I just had to give into temptation and kiss her. But she didn’t try to stop me and I know she enjoyed it just as much as I did

I ran my hand over my face in frustration and clicked my mailbox shut. How am I going to get any work done if I’m this discombobulated? The universe must have been playing some sort of mean trick on me because just then, a notification of Yolanda wanting to face-time me popped up and I groaned audibly. If I ignored it, she’d just keep on dialling until I picked up so I just better get it over and done with.

I accepted the call and her gorgeous caked up face game into view. “Babe, how are you doing?” she chirped in her usual bubbly tone but immediately frowned when she noticed my poker face. “What’s wrong Theo? Don’t tell me it has something to do with Maya,” she accused. I hate the way that she knows me so well and catches on so quickly.

“What makes you say that?” I replied nonchalantly, trying desperately to mask the annoyance in my voice. 

She rolled her eyes before flipping her hair over her bare shoulder. By the looks of it, I doubt she was even dressed. I kept my eyes solely fixed on her face and not anywhere else. She had done this before, calling me whilst she was naked but I had ended the call abruptly. I still had self-respect and a level of decency, thank you very much.

“Your mother and I chat every other day. She told me about your crush on Maya and whatever little moment you two had the other day. I’m always well informed about your moves, darling,” she trailed off in a sing song voice. “And before you ask, I am dressed. I am wearing a sleeveless low-cut dress so don’t worry too much,” she aired saucily and I laughed sarcastically.

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