Chapter 13

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Maya’s P.O.V

It was five-thirty when my internal clock decided to go off. I arose with a small yawn and peeled out of the sheets with only one thing bringing a wicked grin to my face; revenge. Wasting no more time, I rushed into the bathroom and fulfilled my morning routine. Today, I opted for black dungaree with a white t-shirt and white sneakers. It seemed today was going to be a fairly sunny day with maybe some showers later on. Whatever the case, I had decided I wouldn’t let anything or anyone get to me today.

Getting back to the topic of revenge, I quietly made my way to the kitchen in the quiet halls. Nobody was up yet, that much I knew. Neither Ann nor Meredith was anywhere to be seen. It was the perfect moment to execute my genius plan on those two insufferable brats for what they did to me yesterday. Oh, so they were planning on destroying me, huh? We will see about that.

Once in the kitchen, I pulled out the two pies topped with whipped cream that I’d requested Matt to bake for such an occasion. He had questions, but with my doe eyes and baby-like pout, he gave in easily. I’d save that trick for later because chances are I’m going to need it a lot. Grabbing the two confectioneries, I exited and made my way up the grand staircase. 

My scheme was pretty simple really; I was going to pie Aiden and Brianna right in the face. But I didn’t want to do it right now, as that’d probably wake the whole house up, but I wanted to set up some sort of contraption that would do the trick. I had studied physics to a somewhat decent level, so I knew my way around these types of things. Their room had plenty of materials for the job and I planned on exploiting them.

I entered their room stealthily, their soft snores flooding my sense of hearing. Placing the pies aside on their twin desks, I tiptoed around the room gathering and arranging the stuff. It was totally crazy but I knew it would work; I had once done it to my geometry teacher in the ninth grade and it worked perfectly. Malevolently, I added the final touches i.e., the pies. As soon as they got up from their beds, they’d be served a wonderful eye opener a la pie.

It took so much strength for me not to grin in their little angelic yet somewhat devilish faces. They’d never see this coming. “Serves you for humiliating me in front of your dad,” I whispered at their unconscious forms and stuck my tongues out at them childishly.

As I opened the door, I simultaneously heard a door somewhere down the hall being opened. For a split second my heart stilled, the dread of having been caught drowning my other senses. Willing to peak at the person, I stuck my head slightly out the door and found Mr. Duke. But he wasn’t in his usual attire; he was sporting a pair of gym shorts, trainers and no shirt. I repeat, no shirt. I almost dropped dead there and then.

There was no way this man actually existed. 

You know how in those weird romance novels they describe the male lead as having washboard abs, bulging arm muscles, a defined v-line and in your face pecs? Well, that was a mild description. It did not even begin to describe what my eyes had laid upon.

I’m must have died and gone to heaven!

Sadly, he popped his air pods into his ears and then continued down the stairs, disappearing from my sight. But I didn’t want him to leave just yet, I wanted to see more. And as pervy as that sounded, I didn’t give a damn. I rarely get to see half naked Greek gods.

Shutting the door gently behind me, I scurried down the stairs and tried to catch up to him. He had taken the right hall, where my bedroom was located and entered some room. I quietly followed after him and arrived a few seconds before him. The door was standing ajar, giving me a slight glimpse of what I guessed to be a home gym. I had all the latest equipment. 

Mr. Duke was in front of a punching bag, as he wore boxing gloves. Finished with the task, he began to punch the bag of sand with quick, calculated punches. His back muscles flexed with every movement he made. The picture was exciting to watch and made me feel all giddy and excited. When he did a perfect roundhouse kick, my jaw dropped. 

Okay, that was so damn hot. So hot that the breeze in the hallway did no job in cooling down the sudden rise in temperature. I even had to blink to remind myself that this was not a figment of my imagination and it was all very real. I had no idea how long I stood there, observing his moves and technique, when a voice behind me startled the crap out of me.

“What do you think you’re doing?” the person hissed in my ear and my soul nearly departed from my body. Then I was dragged away from the gorgeous scene and into someone’s room. By now it was crystal clear that it was Mrs. Duke’s room. There was a vintage touch to it, very sombre and gothic like her. 

My chest rose and fell rapidly, trying to stabilise my heart beat. “Well, are you going to explain yourself?” she echoed with a sharp lilt in her accusatory tone. If my skin were lighter, I’m sure my blush would have been so evident. This was so freaking embarrassing. How was I going to explain what I had been doing when I was basically caught with my hand in the cookie jar.

“I-, I…was just checking w-where the noise was coming from,” I stuttered pathetically and internally face palmed. What an asinine thing to say. If she wasn’t sceptical of me before, well now she assuredly is.

She tsked as she circled around me like a predator cornering its prey. “Oh, I see. I really thought you were smarter than that, Knight but clearly, I was wrong. You think I can’t tell when someone is undressing someone, in this case my son, with their own eyes?” she fired sardonically.

“With all due respect, he was half naked and of course I was bound to look. Your son is hot,” I blurted out stupidly. There goes an ounce of dignity I had left. It will be missed.

Mrs. Duke stilled for a moment before she burst into fits of laughter. I looked at her as if she had grown a tail. What I said was funny but I did not expect her to laugh. She actually had a sense of humour? These are definitely the end times… I thought warily as she continued to chortle.

She was about to speak when two distinct screams came from upstairs. The twins must have just woken up to my surprise for them. With a huge grin, I scrambled out of the room only to collide head first with some pecs and abs. And gravity hastened the collision by making us both fall onto the carpeted fall. He oomphed on impact as I had landed smack dab on top of him.

“I’d advise you to watch where you’re going next time,” he groaned in pain as I struggled to bring myself up on my forearms.

Twice embarrassed on the same day. FML. I kept my eyes closed, in fear of meeting his swirling oceanic eyes. “I’m so sorry, Mr. Duke. I was in a rush upstairs and I wasn’t watching where I was going,” I apologised lowly.

“Open your eyes,” he commanded and I obeyed, slowly. He was indeed gazing up at me with this intense look in his eyes. Our faces were so close that if either one of us moved suddenly, our lips would connect. It was a precarious situation, and it seemed neither wanted to get out of it.

My heart began to beat at a faster pace when I noticed that he was inching towards me in slow-mo. Oh. My. Goodness. Was Mr. Duke about to kiss me? Just when his lips were about to hit a home run, the pitter patter of feet from down the hall and the opening of a door made us both look away.

“Daddy! This stupid American pied us in the face!” Brianna screeched so loudly that both of us cringed. 

What an epic way to begin the morning. 


Happy Monday guys. Did you enjoy your weekend? I enjoyed mine ❤️

Is the story good so far?

What did you think about that almost kiss between the two? Sizzling...🔥

I did say that there would be some drama from now on, so make sure you're buckled for a bumpy and hot right 😂😉

Happy Halloween to those of you that celebrate it 👻

Do vote ⤵️⤵️⤵️, comment and share. Wouldn't want to resolve to setting targets so that I update, would we?

Love you lots ♥️,


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