Chapter 9

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Theodore’s P.O.V

When I heard the all the yelling and banging that was going on from somewhere in the house, I woke up from my alcohol induced sleep. Last night’s events were a blur but judging by my lack of clothing and the dark-haired woman who was snoring loudly beside me, it must have been wild. I always end up doing this toxic cycle anytime I feel depressed or stressed.

It’s pathetic, I know but it’s been my lifestyle for a while now. And I wasn’t about to stop it anytime soon. Going to the pub helps me to numb the pain of my past and almost wipes away the heartbreak I’ve felt for a long time now. Will I ever get better? I have no bloody idea.

Groggily, I rose from the bed and shuffled to my closet to pull out a pair of pyjama bottoms. I couldn’t just go out there stark naked. My mother and children live with me, so you can imagine why I’d have to maintain some decency…or some level of it at least.

I forcefully opened my door and made my way down the hall in my hazy state, eyes still utterly heavy laden with sleep. As I approached the source of noise, I was quite surprised to see that it was Maya. And she was barely clothed for that matter.

I couldn’t believe what was right in front of me. It was like seeing her exposed long legs and smooth caramel skin made me jolt back to life. And the wet hair effect did wonders to her mirage. This was not something I thought I’d ever be waking up to and it surprised me how my body was drawn to her so instantaneously. I really should have stopped my eyes from wandering all over her body but damn, I just couldn’t.

I have come across a literal bevy of beautiful women in my life but none of them had ever managed to capture my attention the way Maya had. And she didn’t have to do anything; she was just herself. A series of situations whereby our bodies made contact in the most delicious way possible coursed through my mind but I had to shake them off immediately before my impulsive side kicked in.

I wanted to kiss her, touch her, have her but I knew better than that. The woman I usually hook up with are just mindless one-night stands made over a crap ton of booze. They had no qualms about coming back home with me or vice versa; I’m a hot-blooded man and I have my needs. Maya, on the other hand, just doesn’t seem like the type of woman who’d engage in such activities… she’s far too precious for that.

Did I just call her precious? What the bloody hell is the matter with me?

When my eyes met hers, she struggled to maintain eye contact and eventually looked away. Despite myself, I smirked at this. At least I knew that my presence had an effect on her, just as hers did on me. Dammit! This is going to complicate a lot of things. She’s here to pay off a debt, and yet I’m over here shamelessly checking her out.

I cleared my throat. “Well? What is all the racket about?” I inquired, my eyes lingering on her exposed and generous cleavage. I am such a bloody creep.

She scratched her head and pointed at the door, still not looking at me. “T-the kids t-took my clothes, my phone and my suitcase!” she stammered nervously. Okay, so I make her stutter as well? I’m starting to think I’m having to much fun with this.

Setting my wayward thought aside, my brow rose in question. “Aiden and Brianna did that? Why would they do such a thing?” I stated rather than asked, because thus far they hadn’t done anything of that magnitude. In my eyes, they were the sweetest most adorable children anybody could ever come across. Was my judgement askew?

Maya nodded her head and held the front of her towel. Mover closer to her, I towered over her frame as she had her back to the door. She looked up at me in confusion but I simply smiled down at her and extended my hand to knock on the door. “Kids, it’s daddy. Open up the door please,” I said in a calm voice and the lock clicked a second later. The door came ajar right afterwards, and both their heads peaked out.

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