Chapter 21

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Maya’s P.O.V

When I got back to the mansion last night, I hadn’t been at all anticipating to see Mr. Duke, much less be grilled by him about my whereabouts! It was outrageous that he had the audacity to get angry at my going out with Leslie when he himself had made it abundantly clear that absolutely nothing could exist between the two of us.

And yet, there he was green with envy and red with rage. I wish I could have captured a video of our little encounter because it was pure gold. For the first time, I felt emboldened in his presence. Last night was a testimony to the fact that he was definitely affected by my proximity. I felt his body tremble at my touch and it boosted my ego to know I had that effect on him.

Oh, how the tables have turned.

Last time, it was he who had made me feel like that but now I had the reigns in my hands. I wanted to send him into overdrive and give him a taste of his own medicine. I had very much wanted to kiss him senseless but my pride wouldn’t allow me to do that. He played me hard last time and this time around I was the player rather than the playee

Take that, you arrogant yet handsome douche!

Alas, I got to enjoy my fifteen minutes of fame but knowing just how impulsive, hard headed and proud Mr Duke was he wasn’t going to let me off the hook that easily. I had unknowingly dug my own grave with that stupid move I’d pulled, but in the end it was worth it. And I even got to feel his washboard abs on my fingertips, something I’d been dying to do since I watched him working out in his home gym. I mean, it isn’t every day that you get to feel a man’s muscles, right?

With a sigh of contentment, I got out from under the covers and stretched lazily. It was the first time in a week that I’d woken up quite early because the grouch of the house was back and that meat my boring routine of serving him his breakfast and dinner was back. Not going to lie, I’d become accustomed to his absence but I guess all good things must come to end eventually.

Twenty minutes later, I was sporting a white ruffled top paired with denim jeans and some white old converse shoes I’d had since forever. My hair still had the curls from yesterday and I combed it a bit and kept it untied. Going over to the door, I grabbed my phone and made my way to the kitchen. As usual, Matt and Ann were already bustling around doing whatever it was they were meant to do.

Matt was frying some eggs and smiled at me when he noticed me approaching. “How was your night out in the town, lass?” he beamed at me with a cheeky grin.

I chuckled before taking a seat on one of the barstools. Last nights events quickly ran through my mind. Oh, how on earth had I managed to be so bold? That was so damn embarrassing and I shouldn’t have done that. I shook my head before giving Matt my undivided attention. “Not too bad. London isn’t as enlivening as Malibu but I guess one could say it is kind of fascinating,” I commented casually and he laughed, before setting the pan aside.

“Oh, you should have seen Meredith yesterday. She was acting like a scorned witch, going about with a huge frown etched on her face. And I’m pretty sure I heard her implying that you were on a mission to seduce every man on this estate, including Mr. Duke,” Ann spoke lowly with merriment pirouetting in her eyes.

I face palmed. Typical Meredith to go around tarnishing my name like that. I wish I cared though. “She can say whatever the hell she wants about me but that won’t change the fact that she’s a bitter, single and unpalatable wench,” I remarked in a bored tone and both Ann and Matt laughed boisterously.

I had been expecting to hear Mr. Duke’s footsteps by now given that about thirty minutes had passed. Ann had gone to sweep the other rooms; Matt was arranging food stuffs in the pantry and I hadn’t seen Meredith yet. Maybe he had overslept and was still getting ready to come down for breakfast. After all, it was a weekday and he needed to leave for work before eight. It was only quarter to seven, so I decided to pass the time by watching Tik-Toks. 

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