Chapter 36

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Theodore’s P.O.V

Sometimes, I truly underestimate my ability to not be discrete, which is funny because I usually know how to keep myself in check but whenever I’m around Maya it’s like my better judgement flies out the window and the first thing that comes to my mind tumbles out of my lips before I can stop it.

I just told her that I’m in love with her, like I was stating my order at a Starbucks outlet.

It wasn’t in the least bit romantic but I just figured that I really had not time to beat around the bush. The desperate urge to have her had been fuelled much yesterday when I saw that poor excuse of a ‘boyfriend’ she’s been hanging around lately. I was jealous, I’ll give him that, but I was very certain that he was nothing more than a distraction; someone to keep her occupied before I came back into the picture.

Now, you can label me as an arrogant ass but I’m really not that. I’m just a man on a mission to be with the one woman who made him believe that, despite experiencing a tumultuous heart break, true love can swoop in a fix all of that. Bloody hell, I’m starting to sound like a cheesy cartoon character.

After my confession, she hadn’t said anything and her lips pressed into a grim line. I’ll admit, it wasn’t the reaction I had been anticipating, but I honestly don’t blame her either. After all the mixed signals I’d sent her when she stayed at my mansion, it would only right for her to be confused. I planned on clearing up all that confusion, but not this morning though.

I went to her apartment just because I wanted to see her. After yesterday’s encounter, I wasn’t quite satisfied with how our conversation had ended and my finding out about her dating this Brian guy. Once I returned to my office, I requested a background check be done on him by my friend Quentin. I was not at all pleased to find out that his information was squeaky clean. Spotless. Not a single account of misdemeanour, not a single hour spent behind bars…absolutely nothing. He was indeed an ideal guy for her.

Now, I don’t normally go for women who are taken but, in this case, I’d make an exception. Because he is just temporarily filling a space in her heart, I already knew that I owned it. Shit, what have I turned into? There is nothing at all appealing about a pompous and possessive guy. 

The clock struck six fifteen when I entered through the cast iron gates leading to my Malibu beach house. It wasn’t anything too fancy but it wasn’t exactly quaint either. I figured that since I had a lot of business this side of the globe, I might as well buy a piece of property I would call my own rather than staying in stuffy albeit five-star hotels. I’m a man who deeply values privacy.

“This is your place?” she asked in awe, her eyes widening as she roamed her eyes over the expanse of the house and adjoining private beach.

I nodded. “Yes. I’m here a lot so I bought a house to stay in whilst I make my frequent business trips,” I responded and then exited the car to open the door for her. I extended my hand to her, which she took without much fuss.

Intertwining our hands, I locked the car and began to lead her to the entrance. I know this is going to sound even cheesier, but her hand fit perfectly in mine. I’m not a touchy-feely person, but just this once, I’ll allow myself to explore this new side of the horizon. I guess all my therapy sessions over the last couple of months helped. I wasn’t totally open to it at first. Who the hell feels comfortable talking about their feelings with a complete stranger? And for me just to be honest was a rather difficult feat, but alas, Dr Milton helped me quite a lot. I will forever be grateful to her.

Entering through the glass door, I immediately led her over to the kitchen. We didn’t have much time together so I wanted to make the most out of this occasion. I usually stayed here alone, but a maid would come and handle the chores and the like every now and then. I did my own cooking and could even tidy up if I wanted to.

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