Chapter 11

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My day had already begun on a terrible note, but helping those little munchkin brats to prepare for the day made it ten times more horrible. I’ve worked at two high end restaurants where I’ve had to adapt to mounts of pressure in order to adequately deliver a service, but all that was way easier compared to dealing with these two offspring of the devil.

It was about nine o’clock in the morning when we finally all went down and coincidentally the rain had also stopped. I was really hoping that it would rain all day and I wouldn’t have to accompany Brianna and Aiden to the park. Alas, no such luck!

Breakfast was served to the expectations of the Queen of the Ice Castle; I presume because apparently, she was such an overall tyrant and wanted everything done to the tee. But I had to play truant if I wanted to make it under her radar today. Her eyes were fixated on me, every mood I made and it annoyed the hell out of me. 

“So, I heard you were parading around the house this morning almost stark naked,” she began as she sipped on her tea with loud sips. I freaking hate it when people do that.

I wanted to roll my eyes at this. Damn the grapevine in this house. It was probably Meredith who had done this no doubt. “I was not parading. I went to settle the score with your grandkids who had taken all my stuff. What did you want me to do? Bow down and thank them for it?” I droned sarcastically and she set her cup down. Her expression suddenly became grim.

“You will watch your tone, young lady,” she warned me and I then actually rolled my eyes. Is this woman for real? Hadn’t she ever heard of sarcasm? 

I inclined my head towards her. “My apologies, your highness. I by no means meant to offend you. Please do forgive me,” I mocked in my horrid fake British accent and she glared at me. I was pretty sure she was about to wring my neck if it hadn’t been for Meredith walking in.

“Let’s go get your coats for the park children,” she said to them charmingly and they both nodded their heads at her. It amazed me that these children could comply to instructions. When they were all out of the room, Ms. Duke began to tap at the table as she basically looked at me with contempt.

“You think you’re so smart, don’t you? Let me tell you this, throwing yourself at my son won’t get you anywhere. I’m afraid he is way out of your league and I can safely say that he isn’t interested in commitments. If he were, you wouldn’t even make it to the list,” she fired with a wintry smile.

I tsked. “Well, news flash grandma, I’m not interested in your promiscuous son anyways. I know that we may not be in the same social circles but if anything, your son isn’t my type. I guess he is more suited for Yolanda. Snobby, rich and arrogant just like Mr. Duke,” I spat acidly and then rose from the seat with my plates. That ought to show her who she is messing with. 

This was absolutely outrageous! Why did everyone in this damned household think I was some cheap hussy who liked throwing herself at rich guys? I don’t even like rich guys. If I had had a choice in this matter, then I would have opted to not be here. But it’s my dumb bad luck and twisted fate that landed me here. I bet the universe was having a field day, laughing at me from above. Why couldn’t Mr. Duke have been a bachelor living alone. I don’t know if I’ll be able to handle this.

In the kitchen, I all but placed the plates in the sink with a clutter, earning wide eyed looks from both Matt and Ann. I pointed my finger at them, warning them not to speak. My temper was flared and, in these circumstances, I tend to utter despicable things so just this once, I’d like to keep my mouth shut. Meredith came back down with the twins and we left for the driveway, where a Jaguar SUV was waiting for us. Helping them into their booster seats, Meredith then turned to me with a stoic expression.

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