Chapter 33

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Maya’s P.O.V

5 Months Later

I woke up feeling lazier than ever. It wasn’t voluntary, as the rays splaying through the half-closed blinds of my room were the culprit. Stifling a yawn in a very unladylike manner, I ripped the sheets off my body only for my skin to immediately prickle. It was mid-September and let’s just say the winter season had come in full force and I wasn’t overjoyed at all.

Going over to the bathroom, I took a short shower and after stepping out clad in a green fluffy towel, I dried my hair. It had grown longer, that it reached my waist and I had dyed it so that it was a lighter shade of brown. I’m glad I woke up when I had, because I had to be at work soon and Brian would be here shortly after to take me there.

I know you’re wondering who Brian is…well he is my boyfriend. We met a little over three months ago. He approached me, asked me on a date, I agreed and the next second, we were a couple. I was tired of nursing my broken heart like I’d experienced a bad break up so I decided to forget about that chapter of my life and moved on. And I’d made a lot of progress too.

For starters, I’d landed a job at a music store shortly after I’d returned to Malibu. I can safely say that it’s the most enjoyable job I’ve had in a long time. I got to be around instruments all the time and I even got extra money by giving guitar lesson. Let’s just say playing the guitar was one of my hidden talents that my parents had helped me to discover. I guess they had done something right.

Brian worked across the street from me, at a local café where he was a barista. Ever since we started dating, he’d stop by every lunch hour and drop off a slice of cheesecake and a cappuccino. Was he risking his job by doing that? Yes. Did he care? Nope. I could tell that he really liked me, but unfortunately, I probably didn’t like him as much as he liked me. I felt so guilty sometimes because when I was with him, I’d be subconsciously comparing him to the one person I’d ever opened up my heart to. The man I still dream about every now and again. 

I’d be damned if I ever let his name roll over my tongue again.

The moment I stepped off his private jet, I swore to never ever let myself think about him and yet I’d failed dismally at doing so. It was a good thing that Lexi was there to console me, and I’d stayed with her for a few days until I found a place for myself with the savings I had. 

I had not dared cash in that cheque he’d given me. My pride wouldn’t allow it and I knew I’d never feel comfortable living off his money. It made me feel cheap for some reason, and I didn’t like that at all. So, I had stashed it away at the bottom of the drawer where I kept my clothes. Till now, I’d completely forgotten about it. 

The first month was tough for me, adjusting to being on my own again. I’d grown so used to having most things done for me that it felt like pure torture going back to cooking, cleaning and doing laundry all on my own. And the fact that I didn’t have to chase after two little people absolutely crushed me. It was like I was missing a minute part of me, that I couldn’t remember how it was like not being around them. That was until the harsh reality of the fact that I’d not being seeing them ever again set in. But I learnt to live with it, hence why I’m still alive and kicking.

At some point I thought I was going insane. I even missed Meredith and our bitter exchanges. Without her, I’d grown docile and mature. My rebellious ways had long since been dormant due to the fact that I tried to avoid drama at all costs. I also missed Matt’s cooking, Ann’s cool quips and Ms. Dukes sageness. I would never forget her parting words to me.

You’ll be back before you know it. 

I’d been stupid to think that they would come to fruition, but that was all in vain. I don’t know how many days I’d spent drowning in the absurd notion that him whose name I shall not speak would come back into my life and say he wanted me to be a part of his. As if such a fantasy would happen, my conscience taunted ruthlessly. Nevertheless, I dumped that dream along with my aspiration of becoming a WWE superstar into the dustbin.

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