Chapter 35

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Maya's P.O.V

By the time I woke up the next day, I was feeling like absolute shit. I spent the rest of my day thinking about Theodore and by the time we had to close up the shop, I went over to the café where Brian works in the hopes of getting my mind off of him, but it did nothing but more harm. I watched as Brian worked, flashing his charismatic smile at all the customers that came to place orders. He is undoubtedly really attractive, and my heart does flutter whenever he compliments me, caresses me or kisses me but...

Don't you dare think such an absurd thought Maya Knight! I mentally scolded myself. This could be regarded as cheating because I was dating one man yet thinking of another. How had my life turned so wrong? Just when I thought that I was regaining control over my emotions, my everything...all my efforts have come crashing down on me like a large boulder.

I checked my phone to see that I had a missed call from Lexi, guess I'd been to caught up in my thoughts to answer and to be honest, I don't know what I would have said to her. She's kinda my best friend, so I can't lie to her which would only end in her hunting Theodore down and giving him a piece of her mind for hurting me. And I wanted to avoid unnecessary drama at all costs.

Grumbling multiple profanities at inadvertently waking up at five thirty, I grouchily scooted over to the shower where I punished myself with cold water. Maybe if I did that I'd bring myself into reality and forget about the so called novel scenario I'd gotten into just yesterday. I heard the doorbell ring which made me close my faucet and step out. I frowned. I wasn't expecting anywhere, so who could that possibly be?

Wrapping my towel around my body, I went over to the front door and pulled it wide open, just about to cuss at whoever was disturbing my already disturbed morning. My mouth had just opened wide when my eyes landed on the devil himself.

His cobalt eyes glided over my wet and barely clad form. "This is certainly the best way to begin my morning," he whistled lowly, before his lips settled into that infuriating smirk of his. I closed my eyes tightly in embarrassment. Okay, this is clearly not my best day.

I was about to shut the door right in his face when he held it open with his arm, coming to stand so close to me that I could breathe his cologne. Same as before; overpowering, intoxicating, enticing. "Don't be so rude, Maya. I came all this way and you're going to shut the door in my face?" he asked in feigned hurt, clicking his tongue in disapproval.

I ground my teeth in annoyance, before stepping aside for him to enter. I don't know if he did it on purpose, but his hand brushed my bare thigh and the jolt of electricity that pulsated through my system almost knocked me off my feet. And why the hell had I just let him walk into my apartment? Simple, if I handled him now it meant that I wouldn't have to see him later at my work otherwise Brian might get upset and throw a tantrum.

Crossing my arms on my chest, I watched him take a seat on my couch like he very well owned the damn place. "May I know how and why you're here?" I inquired in a snarl like manner.

"You know, that stance makes you look so sexy. I can hardly keep my mind from racing," he pronounced sensually, and a shiver ran up my spine.

"You're such a smug bastard, and I see that much hasn't changed. I don't know how you found out where I live and I don't even freaking care. I also don't understand why you're here, neither do I give a damn. What I do know is that I don't want you here, and in case I didn't make it clear yesterday, allow me to do so now. I want nothing to do with you, not now and not ever. So, do us both a favour and make yourself scarce before I drop my polite façade and kick you in the bollocks," I told him calmly, making sure to emphasise each word.

He laughed, very sarcastically before standing up to make his way over to me. I craned my neck up just to show him that I wasn't afraid or made uneasy by his unwavering gaze. "I think you should do us both a favour and stop pretending that there is nothing between us. Maya, you can't just dismiss me without hearing what I have to say. I at least owe you an explanation."

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