Chapter 23

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Theodore’s P.O.V

Can we take a minute to applaud just how unbelievably senseless I can be sometimes? Seriously though, why the hell am I like this?

To this date, I still have no bloody clue.

I had no idea what my intentions toward Maya were but I did know that she made the typical me break all of my typical rules. For instance, we kissed and it ended up being nothing but a kiss. Hell, if it had been any other woman, I would have taken it a step further but like I said earlier, Maya is just too precious for that. She reminds me of incorruptibility and I really shouldn’t let her get mixed up with a man who doesn’t have any sober intents towards her, on anyone else for that matter.

And yet the devil in me just couldn’t shake this feeling of want away.

What happened between us this morning was purely impulse. I had no idea she would show up in my bedroom, looking like the incarnation of sin itself. You see, she could literally wear sackcloth and I’d still find her attractive. It’s odd, but it is what it is. I did, however, enjoy ruffling her feathers and hearing her groan to my touch messed me up so badly I had to have another shower just to calm myself down…hence why I took so long to come downstairs.

Against my better judgement, I discretely hinted towards Meredith that there really wasn’t much she could do to stop me from being around Maya. I know she cares deeply about me and worries about my well being but I know for a fact that she has been giving Maya a gruelling time ever since she stepped foot in this house. It was a subtle way of telling her to back off, or else she would not be too fond of the repercussions.

“Here you go,” Maya mumbled and slid the plate with a small stack of pancakes, practically drenched in syrup, chocolate chips, eggs and some bacon. I looked at her angelic face. She was trying so desperately not to make eye contact and it brought a smile to my lips. Seems like someone hasn’t fully recovered from our little encounter this morning…  

She stepped back from my side and looked at me expectantly. Just for the hell of it, I took my time to slice up a piece before popping it in my mouth. 

And then my tastebuds exploded.

Damn, how can milk mixed with flour taste this good? I always found it rather absurd that Americans just wouldn’t stop raving about these circular eatables but now I know what the fuss is all about. But I had a slight inkling that she had put extra effort into making these extra scrumptious for more because she wanted to please me. The mere thought of it made my heart thud uncomfortably. Nobody in quite a while had tried to impress me, and to say I’m flattered is an understatement.

Aiden regarded me with guarded eyes. “Well dad, what do you think? Are they the best things you’ve ever tasted or what?” he asked eagerly and I took in another forkful. It was like heaven was dancing in my mouth. I don’t think I’d ever tasted anything this good…other than Maya. Bloody hell, what a perverted perception!

Brianna smirked at Maya. “See, he’s so captivated he can’t even speak!” she laughed and Maya smiled before tucking a loose tendril behind her ear.

“I’m glad,” she said sweetly before going into the kitchen. After today, I am never eating toast ever again.

My mother walked into the room a couple of minutes later and did a double take when she saw me. “Theodore Clifford Duke! Where have you been?” she fired rapidly, eyes flaming and lips quirked downward in contempt. Great, my little joyous moment has been perpetually ruined.

I groaned out loud. “Mother, must you use my middle name?” I whined, triggering the kids to snigger at my plight. I shot them a dirty look, which made them shut up altogether.

Mend My HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora