Chapter 15

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Maya’s P.O.V

The weekend went by in a blur, and it was uneventful. For starters, Mr. Duke made it abundantly clear that he was avoiding me and it somehow made my heart clench painfully. It made me question myself a lot. Was I not pretty enough for him? Did I not fit into his calibre of woman to be with? It was pitiful to say the least.

My resentment for him at managed to soar because never in my life had I ever been confused by a man who had been sending me mixed signals left, right and centre. If he had just kept it professional, I wouldn’t be in this stupid situation, battling my overthinking mind. I could at least discuss it with Lexi and she fully agreed with me that that man is a grade A douchebag.

On another note, there had been an unspoken truce between me and the twins. It was like I had somehow gained their respect from the awesome prank I’d pulled a few days ago, if I do say so myself. But I knew those two midgets were definitely brewing something behind the scenes and I had no idea what it was but when it happened, it wasn’t going to be pretty.

I placed Mr. Dukes breakfast plate in front of him just as Meredith did the same for his mother and the little Dukes. Everyone was up bright and early for some apparent reason but it seemed that they were all going out. Mr. Duke nodded curtly in acknowledgement and began to take his bland breakfast consisting of toast, eggs and coffee apart. I say bland because it lacked colour and creativity. And the idiot ate it every single day. 

Jus before I walked out, he asked his mother a question. “Mum, why are you guys up and ready. Are you going somewhere?” 

Mrs. Duke sipped on her tea before responding. “I’m taking the twins to…well, visit their umm…mother. It’s been a month since the last time they’d seen her and she’s in town so it’s convenient,” she spoke lowly, regarding him with cautious eyes.

Mr. Duke stiffened as soon as she finished her statement. “We’re excited to see her since we don’t see her a lot. I wish mommy still lived with us,” Brianna said with longing as her eyes lingered on her bowl of cereal. I know it was wrong of me to listen in on this, but I was still very curious as to what exactly had happened between their mother and father. Why wasn’t she part of the picture anymore.

“I miss mommy, daddy. Can she come back?” Aiden pouted and that’s when Mr. Duke basically threw his utensils onto his plate with a loud clutter. He abruptly rose from his seat and stormed out of the room like a bat out of hell.

“I told you two not to talk about your mother when your father is around. Do you understand that?” Ms. Duke admonished them and they nodded in fake understanding. I took that as my queue to finally leave the room and re-enter the kitchen.

Ann and Matt had been eavesdropping from the corner but as soon as I walked over the threshold, they pretended to be busy with other tasks. What a bunch of fakers! “You two literally have no shame!” I tsked in amusement and they both blushed profusely. 

“We live for the gossip. It’s our only source of entertainment!” Ann defended weakly, eliciting a chuckle from me. 

“Any idea why he gets like that when the twins’ mother is mentioned?” I asked but they both remained quiet. 

Matt shook his head. “That is something we have been forbidden to talk utter anything about. The master does not appreciate it when anyone delves into the matter so talking about it could even get us fired. Sorry love, but that’s just something you just might never know,” he said seriously and apologetically. I understood that completely; whatever it was, it clearly still affected him.

From the window, I watched as he made his way to the car in angry strides, simultaneously barking something into his cell phone. Just before he entered, he must have felt my gaze because our eyes locked momentarily. His eyes were hollow, chilling and sorrowful. It made me feel empathetic towards him. He then looked away and disappeared into the Rolls Royce. 

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