Chapter 8

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The rest of the day just consisted of me minding the kids whilst keeping myself occupied with my phone. It kind of surprised me how compliant they were actually being and before I knew it, it was dinner time. The grand meal was served in the dinning room with a tear drop chandelier that looked pretty much ready to drop at any given second.

I didn’t get to see much of Mr. Duke as I had heard he was tied up at work. I’m not sure if I was actually missing his presence but I certainly felt his absence. Dinner was silent, but nothing short of invasive glances from the old hag, Ms. Duke. I helped clean up afterwards, under the watchful eyes of Meredith. Matt and Ann weren’t much company since she was there. The tension between the three was palpable. 

When the clock struck 9, I was instructed to help Brianna and Aiden clean up before tucking them in. The two little devils still shared a room, which was just too cute. The decorations looked like something straight out of Disneyland. Wish my parents had given me something like that growing up.

After exchanging a few texts with Lexi, I took a shower before resigning to bed myself. My first day in England was decidedly eventful, and something in the bottom of my stomach told be that the circus was only just getting started.

Late in the night, I distinctly heard the front door opening and some stumbling. The reason why I heard this was because a) I’m a light sleeper and b) the front door wasn’t too far from my room. Now, normally I would have just ignored the ruckus if I was back in my apartment in Malibu but since this was not Malibu, I slid out of the comfy covers and went out the door. Trying my best to tip toe as quietly as possible, since I didn’t want to be caught, I made my way to the source of noise…only to stop dead in my tracks.

Mr. Duke was passionately and wildly making out with some raven-haired woman, and she was busy undressing him progressively. They were making their way up the stairs somehow in their weird state, leaving trails of clothing. And they weren’t even trying to be quiet, from their moans and lip smacking.

 I was freaking flabbergasted, and disgusted as well. How can he be so careless with his family under the same roof? Had he no shame? I wonder if Yolanda knew about this. This is what Ms. Duke meant when she mentioned him bringing his ‘friends’ in the ‘broad daylight’. So, did that mean that he did this on the occasion or it was a daily thing for him?

The slamming of a door brought be out of my stupor and I shook my head in disdain before I returned to my room. Shutting the door, I couldn’t help but hold my heart. Why did I feel slightly disappointed? 

Probably because he flirted with you and now, he’s getting busy with another woman…

But did I seriously for a nanosecond think that there could possibly be anything between us? I was here just to payoff a debt I unwittingly walked into, nothing more nothing less. And I should maintain that mindset because there was no way in hell I’d ever and I mean ever want to get involved with a man like Theodore Duke. From what I’d seen and heard today, he is a walking red flag.

And I don’t need red flags in my life, thank you very much.

I went back under the covers, and faced the ceiling. For some odd reason the scene kept on replaying in my mind like a record and I had to smack my head a couple of times just to get it out. Exhaling deeply, I turned to the side and closed my eyelids. Sleep overtook me about half an hour later; only for my dreams to be haunted by what I had witnessed last night. But this time it wasn’t the raven-haired woman making out with Mr. Duke…it was me!

I woke up with a start the next morning, cold sweat dripping from my forehead. That was one freaky dream! Never in my life have I ever dreamt of such lewd things. For the love of confetti, I don’t even truly know this man and now he’s in my dreams. I should have rinsed my eyes and mind with bleach before I went to bed last night. 

Or maybe you’re just fantasizing about what you’d like for him to do to you…

“Oh, shut up!” I hissed at my dumb inner voice and ripped the duvet off my body. Big mistake; a slight breeze prickled my skin and left goosebumps in its wake. Damn, I’d forgotten that sunny Malibu wasn’t near as warm as the UK. To make matters worse, I could hear the soft pitter pater of raindrop hitting against the window pane.

I just freaking hate rain. Good luck to me surviving in this dreary country for the next who knows how many months.

With much reluctance, I launched off the bed and checked my phone for the time. It was only six in the morning. After making the bed, I next rummaged through my suitcase for my bathing items and a new outfit that was semi warm. I hadn’t unpacked yet because I was both too lazy and unwilling. What was the point of unpacking if I would just be leaving this house one day? It could even be next week, given what I’d heard about Mr. Indecent’s impulsive behaviour.

I was in the large shower for almost twenty minutes when I came out all refreshed. I dried my wavy locks and my body as well before proceeding to brush my teeth. Once satisfied, I walked out of the bathroom and re-entered the bedroom, only to notice that something was most definitely out of place. 

My clothes for the day were missing, along with my suitcase and cell phone. What in the hell was happening? I could have sworn I’d left those things in here… unless someone had taken them. But who could have done th-

Those little English urchins!

It had to have been them. I knew for a fact that the ancient Ms. Duke wouldn’t do that. Yeah, she probably hated my guts to the fullest extent but this had a heavy undertone of childishness and revenge. They were probably still angry at me for putting them in their place. Oh, I’ll show them that I’m not to be messed with.

In my sheer rage, I ripped the door open and marched into the hall, and up the stairs. Ann was dusting the furniture in the foyer and when she saw me, she did a double take. “Have you suddenly gone mad? You’re practically naked!” she shrieked in mortification but I waved her off. I was too pissed off and adrenaline charged to care about my current state of dress.

I took the turn that led to the Aiden and Brianna’s room, and began to knock furiously on the pristine oak door. “Open up you freaking baby monsters! I know you took my stuff and I want it back right now!” I yelled at the top of my lungs. I could clearly hear them giggling at my current predicament.

I had to hand to those brats, they were very creative. We’re going to have so much fun together. Probably involving lots and lots of pranking…

And I didn’t stop there. I kept on knocking and yelling until a masculine voice made me come to an abrupt halt. “What the bloody hell is going on here?” the individual demanded in a raspy voice and to my utmost horror, I looked to the side to find Mr. Duke standing no more than three feet away from me. To make matters worse, he was looking alarmingly hot with his fresh out of bed hair, lack of a shirt and pyjama pants that were hanging so low his v-line was almost on full display.

When his dark, hypnotic and stormy eyes fully assessed my body that was scantily dressed, I became supremely aware of the fact that I was only wearing but a small, fluffy white towel and water was dripping from my hair to my shoulders. The slow motion of his eyes sent an electric pulse down my spine, eliciting shivers everywhere else. When our eyes met, my insides threatened to combust.

This was positively not how I liked to start my mornings!


Hello people. Another chapter into the chronicles of Maya Knight. I bet nobody was expecting for that to happen...

What do you think will happen next?

I think the prank was pretty good, right?

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Until next time,


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