Chapter 22

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Maya’s P.O.V

Keep your composure, it’s not a big deal. It’s just him trying to screw you over so don’t let him or anyone see that that little encounter you had has turned you into a huge mess.

I kept reciting this line in my head as I went to wake the twins up and help them get ready for the day. But I should have known that these kids were so observant and intelligent; they could basically see through my calm façade and were giving quizzical looks like I’d sprouted a huge horn right at the centre of my head.

“You’re okay, American?” Brianna requested as I brushed her soft, dusky hair so that I could place it into a low ponytail.

I nodded wordlessly but she didn’t seem to buy it. Aiden blew his tongue out as he continued to tie his shoelaces. “We’re not buying that. The moment you walked in here, you looked like you’d come out of a volcano.” Well, that’s one way to put it. That was because I’d just walked out of the devil’s lair and I’d inadvertently allowed myself to be steamed mercilessly. I’d never understood what being hot and bothered was like but dammit, I hated it! Why do female protagonists make it seem like ecstasy when it could literally drive someone insane?

“I just…had a weird start to my morning I guess,” I mumbled, unenthused by my certain predicament. I knew damn well that I had to see his face soon and I wasn’t at all pleased. Could the ground just open up and swallow me whole?

I wish I could have just stayed upstairs for longer but I had to face the music eventually. Finishing up their preparations, of which they both looked entirely too cute in these matching outfits I found in their closet, I opened the door and checked if the coast was clear. We all scurried out of the room, more like I was dragging them along with me so that I could make it in time to the kitchen before you know who saw me. But no such luck; as soon as we landed on the first step, his door flew wide open and my great escape was ruined.

“Daddy, is that you?” Brianna hollered enthusiastically and raced over to him, and he caught her effortlessly in his big strong arms. Big strong arms? Really Maya?

Mr. Duke smiled done at her affectionately, whilst I just stood there like a gawking idiot and my heart doing somersaults because of what he was wearing. I’d become accustomed to seeing him in his designer suits but him in casual clothing was a threat to my ovaries.  Black jeans, a black Oxford shirt, white sneakers and a black leather jacket. Okay, I can’t be the only one who just finds guys wearing black so freaking attractive, am I?

Aiden snarled at his father and crossed his arms defiantly. Mr Duke, having taken cognisance of this, perched Brianna on his hip and came up to his son. “Aren’t you happy to see me?” he asked hopefully but Aiden rolled his eyes and turned his face away in derision.

“Why would I? You do this all the time. You’re never here a-and…and,” he stuttered with puffed cheeks. Clearly the boy was missing his father like crazy. And I knew just how he felt because I remember missing my parents madly when I was younger but they always were caught in work and disregarded me completely

A look of immense guilt washed over his father’s face and he looked like he genuinely didn’t know what to say to him. That’s when I stepped in and crouched beside the little man and held his shoulders in my hands. “Aiden, your daddy is a very hardworking and busy man. He has many things he does so you can live in this cool house and have all this cool stuff. Don’t be mad at him. He knows you miss him and he misses you too, okay?” I told him softly and he briefly glanced at his father before nodding understandingly at me. “Now, go and hug him,” I urged him and he did as I said with no qualms. At this point, I was a bona fide child whisperer. I guess that troll Meredith was right about them warming up to me eventually.

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