The Preparations

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He needed her now more than ever, he needed the peace she brought him.

(I can't stand it anymore.)

(I know me too, I'm heartsick.)

(When are you coming)

(I'm coming with Claire, we'll be there tomorrow morning.)

(I love you so much Abby.)

(I know Steven.)

(I don't think I could go on without you, I desperately need you.)

(I know Steven, I feel the same way.)

She was his lifeline, he didn't know what he would do without her. Abby was the only person in the world that was able to bring him peace and calm him down. Especially now when his anxiety was building knowing that he would have to face the reality that his friend was now gone forever.


"Claire please stop crying you're gonna get sick!" Abby begged.

"She blames herself for his death!" Jeff barked, "but the man was sick and couldn't handle reality that's why he took his life!"

"Shut up!" Claire yelled, "you insensitive beast!" Claire cried and threw a decorative pillow at him.

"Claire is right Jeff," Abby threw him an unsympathetic look, "let her grieve in her own way, she feels responsible and this is the only way she knows how to deal with it and for your information Anthony was one of the kindest souls I have ever met!"

"Both of you are gaining up on me just because I speak the truth. Anthony's kindness is not the topic here," Jeff clarified, "his stupidity is in question, he gave his life for a woman, he couldn't move on with his life, he was weak!"

Both women threw more pillows at him and Jeff raced out of the sitting room to save himself.

"How dare he speak of Anthony that way!" Claire screamed, "oh Abby, had I stayed with Anthony he would have been alive today!"

"For the millionth time Claire it is not your fault!" Abby reassured her, "Anthony loved you enough to let you go, but he was depressed and needed help and didn't get the help in time."

The honking of the cab that was waiting outside alerted the ladies and Claire called Jeff back into the the room. "Come get Lexi Jeff we are leaving!"

Jeff came back into the sitting room and pulled Claire into his possessive arms, "Go in health and come back asap!" He told her hoarsely, "and I'm sorry if I was an ass, I love you." He kissed her passionately and when he let her go  Claire rushed out of the house with Abby, and Jeff lifted Lexi in his arms and watched the cab leave through the huge window in the sitting room, already he missed his wife and prayed she wouldn't stay too long in California.


The entire plane ride to California Claire cried her heart out and Abby comforted her. It was a very difficult situation and both women didn't know what they would do once they got to Anthony's condo. How would Bella greet them when they arrive and Abby wasn't even sure if Steven would be there.

The excitement that she would be in the same room with Steven without Moss both excited and scared Abby, and this thought overpowered the thought that she was in California to mourn for Anthony and be part of Claire's support system during this stressful and dreadful time.

When the plane landed and they grabbed a cab, it only took them thirty minutes to get to their destination.

"I don't know what to do!" Claire cried as she removed herself from the cab.

Rich Radiant Love: Steven's heart. Book threeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora