Lo😘: You are so smart pookie

Beys gf is starin me down rn

i don't think she likes me

Robert👨🏽: want me to fly to Houston?

Lo😘: You have issues

Robert👨🏽: I do not ?!

it's cool cus I don't like her either

Robert👨🏽: why?

Robert👨🏽: wait no she's the weird girl

Lo😘: Oh yeahhhh

Robert👨🏽: like I said otp

Robert👨🏽: if you have a bad feeling abt her

Robert👨🏽: tell Bey

Lo😘: I feel like BK would know
already know

you're never calling her Bey?

Lo😘: Ofc not

Robert👨🏽: that's behind the point

Lo😘: Besides*

Robert👨🏽: hoemygosh

Robert👨🏽: leave me alone

Lo😘: Sorry🙏🏾🙏🏾

should I confront her?

Robert👨🏽: nah

Robert👨🏽: let me fight her

Robert👨🏽: please🥹

Lo😘: We need non violent conflict resolution

Robert👨🏽: dance battle ?

Lo😘: Perfect idea Robbie

I'm telling Kelly tht she's staring at me


Robert👨🏽: 😔

Lo😘: Bye Tanya

I looked up from my phone again, in hopes of seeing Kelly. She was by the other end of the pool. I subtly called her over.

There weren't too many people here. Just friends of Beyoncé and any of her cousins that lived close enough.

"What's up, Nicki?" She hugged me. "Why is this my first time seeing you since I got here?"

"Because you arrived like 2 seconds ago."

"What's happening? You look really suspicious of something. Is it because Lani keeps looking at you?"

"How did you know?" I gasped and looked at her. "Is she still looking now?"

Kelly tried to subtly look but she just glared in the direction. "Uh....no"

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