Chapter 39: Recuporation Vacation

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"Go back to sleep darling, I was responding to Shadow."


Amy's POV:

Waking up to the sound of my alarm going off, I feel something soft brushing my nose.

Blinking the sleep away, I fully startle awake when I see Shadow looking down at me. Sitting up beside me, he offers me a sleepy smile before getting up and walking to my bathroom.

Rubbing my eyes, my communicator watch buzzes from the nightstand beside my bed. Grabbing it, it says "leaving in t-minus 30 minutes, be there or be square" from Tails.

Remembering that our weekend long beach trip is planned to start today, I'm glad that I remembered to pack yesterday. Despite it only being a two and half day long trip, you can never be too sure how many changes of clothes you might need. Dinner attire, plenty of swim suits, sun dresses... Lingerie... You never know.

"Good morning, Rose."

Despite the fact that he usually doesn't wear anything at all, the sight of his chiseled physique in shorts makes me feel like a teenage girl who's never seen a hedgehog without a shirt on.

He must notice, because he looks away with a slight grin before reaching for my luggage. Although he takes a second glance, he doesn't comment on my unnecessary amount of suitcases as he walks out.

Locking the door behind him, I walk into my bathroom to do my usual morning routine. Brush my teeth, wash my face, fix the mess that is my quills, and do some light makeup for the road.

Despite the uncommon snow storm that we had a few weeks ago, the beach that's a few hours away has temperatures that are already prepared for summer. Which I'm not complaining about, seeing as I have an unnecessary amount of swimsuits built up that have been gifted to me from Rouge.

It took me an embarrassing amount of time to decide which one to wear today, but after what happened last night with Shadow I decided to wear the most revealing one that I own. It at least makes me feel better knowing that no matter how revealing my bikini is Rouge's will always more scandalous than mine. Even when we were younger she was the most curvaceous out of all of us, and I admired how proudly she wore every outfit. Anytime I'm self conscious about anything, she tells me to wear it anyways. "Fuck what everybody else thinks" is usually what she says. And as I think of her telling me that, I grab the red bikini from the hanger and slip it on before grabbing the beautiful white sundress that Cream got me as a gift. Being the anxiety ridden hedgehog that I am, I set everything out on a hanger in the bathroom last night so I wouldn't have to debate on what to wear in the morning.

And it payed off per usual, given how indecisive I am. My sandals are placed neatly on the ground underneath the hanger, along with any accessories that I picked out. That happens to be a white rose clip for my hair, and a few golden bracelets.

Hearing a knock on my bedroom door, Shadow's deep voice sounds from the other side. "Are you almost ready, Rose?"

His voice has no sense of a rush to it, but I still hurriedly slip into my sandals and sprits my perfume on before unlocking both the bathroom and my bedroom door.


Staring at each other awkwardly, I feel very out of my element. All we did was kiss, but I still asked him to stay with me so I wouldn't have to be alone. In an attempt to preserve my friendship with Maria, it's been ages since Shadow has actually come to my house.

I put on my favorite chick flick, and at some point during the movie must have fallen asleep. I groggily remember being taken upstairs, and in not wanting to feel that sense of loneliness that's been lingering for so long I asked Shadow if he would stay with me for a little while. It was a stupid moment of weakness, and I told myself all wouldn't immediately be forgiven.

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