The Truth

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        "Truth," sighed Langa. He had never been a big fan of truth or dare.

      "Is it true that you like Mark?" Asked Carly. Langa blushed, he looked at Reki. Reki had a concerned look on his face, and Langa thought back to what Reki had said about being jealous. Langa then tuned towards Mark, who was grinning. The truth was...Mark flattered him and Langa like the attention. Yet, there was only one boy who held Langa's heart, and it wasn't Mark.

       "Uh yeah! Mark is great! I'm really glad we met!" Langa revealed, smiling. Carly rolled her eyes, annoyed Langa had avoided the question.

        "Reki, truth or dare?" Asked Langa, grinning. Reki grinned back at him. Langa felt their connection.

        "Dare!" Yelled Reki, excited. Langa smiled.

         The game started out well, besides the first question. The dares were rather easy and fun. They mostly included pulling pranks on Joe. The truths were a way for the group to get to know the others better. It was all fun and games, until it wasn't anymore...

       "Truth," said Reki.

        "Is Langa your ex?" Asked Mark, leaning forward. Carly raised her eyebrows, intrigued. Reki and Langa blushed.

       "Oh no! It's not like that at all! Langa's my best friend!" Explained Reki, flustered.

        "Uh Mark, truth or dare?" Questioned Reki.


        "Do you like Langa?" Asked Reki, dreading the answer.

       "If your asking if I'm totally into him...then the answer is yes...I totally am!" Said Mark, grinning. Reki frowned.

        "Why? You just met him?" Reki asked, feeling his guard going up.

        "What do you mean? Langa's an awesome guy? Who couldn't fall for him at first sight? Well certainly not me. As a matter of fact, I have a hunch that Langa might even be my soulmate!" Explained Mark. Reki gasped, horrified. Horrified at the thought of Langa having a soulmate that wasn't him.

      "What the heck? How would you know that?" Reki demanded. Langa looked between the two confused.

       "I can see his eyes dumbass! He can see mine! It's how it works! Isn't it the same for you and Carly?" Mark hollered. Carly blushed.

         "So what if it is? There's millions of people that have blue eye and can only see brown and vise versa! It doesn't mean shit!" Yelled Reki, feeling more frustrated. Carly looked down sadly.

        "Oh yeah? Well then how do you explain this...Langa can see two colors! He's been able to since this morning! Same day he met me! Now I don't know what the heck is going on between you two, or what I got myself involved in...but if that's not proof enough I don't know what is!" Blurted Mark, expecting another comeback from Reki. But Reki had gone silent. He was staring at Langa who refused to make eye contact with him.

       Reki couldn't believe what he had just heard. Langa could see two color? Ever since this morning? What did that mean? Why hadn't Langa told him?

      "Langa?" Asked Reki. Langa looked up into the red haired boys eyes.

        "I'm sorry Reki, I wanted to tell you...I was just scarred," admitted Langa.

        "When?" Questioned Reki. Langa gulped.

         "3:42am," admitted Langa. Reki's eyes grew wide.

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