What's a rainbow?

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Langa was stumped. For months now, a brown amber tone had been the only color he had been able to see. It was glorious being able to see color. His whole life he had waited and waited for the day he turned 18. When he was younger, the whole thought of a soulmate had made him want to barf, all he had cared about was knowing what color was. Now he finally did, yet all he wanted to do now was find his soulmate.

Yet he was stumped. Because now he was eighteen. He had been for a while now. For months the only color he had been able to see was amber. That was until he had raced with Adam. He had seen color, he had seen all the colors of the rainbow. Never had he known what a rainbow was until the moment during that race. He had been in the zone, and reality had seemed to fade away from him. Then there it was, not just brown, rainbow.

Langa was typing away in google, researching the strange phenomenon. He had been to jittery to mention to it to any of his friends after the race, and scared of what they would think. He felt anxiety building in him as he searched for the answer. What if he was the only that had that happen to him? What if he was messed up?

Langa let out a deep breath. It was perfectly normal. He was scrolling through article after article. Apparently it only happened to extreme athletes, but it did happen. It was called chroma syndrome. Chroma syndrome was when one who couldn't see all the colors concentrated so hard, and left their reality so much they could see all colors vibrantly. It was only when they were in the zone of extreme adrenaline. Once they left the zone, the color they saw would return to black and white. Langa smiled.

He was so happy. He couldn't believe he had seen all the colors of the rainbow, he was sure his eyes had turned rainbow he had been so concentrated. It was beautiful, breathtaking. He desperately wanted to see it all again. Yet, the next time he wanted to be able to share it all was with his soulmate. Langa sighed again. He was such a hopeless romantic.

He felt like all he could think of 24/7 was his soulmate, and how they had the most beautiful eye color. Reki's eye color. Langa blushed. Why did he always have to do that? Every time he started thinking about his soulmate, as much as he enjoyed it, he always ended up looping it back to Reki.

It wasn't that Langa didn't want his soulmate to be Reki. Actually it was the other way around. He wanted his soulmate to be Reki so much that there was an ache in his chest if he thought about it too long. Gosh, he wanted Reki. He wanted Reki so so bad. Langa had never been in love with anyone other than Reki.

It had all happened the first day Langa had met him. The moment Reki leaped over Langa with his skateboard, and all Langa could do was watch in wonder. As they had become friends, Langa had desperately tried to ignore his feelings. He was pretty sure Reki only had eyes for girls, and Langa didn't want to get hurt.

So he had settled as friends, and grown extremely close to Reki. As a matter of fact, Langa was closer to Reki than anyone else in the world. Langa loved Reki so much.

Everything had been going normal between the two of them. And then one day, right before they had gotten into their big fight, it had been Langa's birthday. Langa had blown out his candles. Joe, Cherry, Miya, his mom, and Reki all gathered around him. The clock had ticked down, and in the blink of an eye he was eighteen. Langa hadn't felt any different, and so he quickly looked to his friends smiling faces, searching for color.

Miya had been completely colorless, same for Cherry, and then Langa locked eyes with Reki. There it was...color, for the first time. Langa had gasped, and everyone had gazed at him more intensely.

"Reki, your eyes," he had stammered. Reki had blushed and leaned in, intrigued.

"What?! What?!l" everyone had excitedly whispered.

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