Party Games

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When Reki and Langa walked into the beach house they were greeted by the smell of Italian food, and the sound of laughter.

Mark and his crew had already arrived and were gathered around the dinner table, laughing with Cherry and Miya while Joe finished up cooking. It was a little to obvious that Joe was having the time of his life cooking for such a large group.

The walk back hadn't been awkward at all, instead Reki and Langa had decided to hop on their skateboards and ride with the wind. Neither knew what the heck to think of the kiss, and Langa had no clue what to do about Mark.

Langa was still sure that Reki didn't like him. After all, even if Reki wasn't straight he sure was having trouble admitting it. Plus, Langa had been the one to ask Reki to kiss, not the other way around. Yet Langa's heart fluttered when he thought about Reki being jealous of Mark. When he thought of him belonging to Reki. He couldn't help it...he loved that thought.

Reki on the other hand was full on gay panic mode. He couldn't stop running the feel of Langa's lips over in his mind. He couldn't stop thinking of how good Langa smelled, or how soft his hair was. Reki was so proud of Langa for coming out to him. He felt like a proud boyfriend, and then he started to panic again. He was sure that Langa didn't like him though, that had just been a spur of the moment thing, nothing to worry about.

Reki shook those thoughts out of his mind and glanced toward the table of guests. Reki jumped, realizing there was a familiar face there. He locked eyes with blue ones from his shopping excursion earlier. Carly.

"Reki?" Asked Carly, perking up. Reki jolted, feeling everyone's eyes go to him.

"Oh your back! Good! Just in time!" Joe called from the kitchen.

"Hey Carly," Reki replied politely, unsure of what to do.

"I'm so glad we've run into each other again! When I came here and saw Miya I was so surprised! Here you can come sit by me!" Chirped Carly, patting the chair next to her.

"Yeah, I'm surprised too," Reki mumbled under his breath. He had wanted to sit by Langa.

Langa was watching all the take place, trying not to cry. He had figured Reki would meet his dream girl eventually, and he guessed Reki finally had. Langa needed to get out of here, he needed to...

"Langa come sit by me!" Mark cheered, waving Langa over. Reki scowled from his seat. Langa nodded politely and went to sit next to Mark. He noticed that Miya and a boy with blonde hair were sitting across from him. The blonde haired boy looked around the same age as Miya.

"This is Owen, my little brother," explained Ryan, seeing Langa's curious gaze.

"Nice to meet you," said Owen looking up, then going back to his conversation with Miya.

"And that's Carly over there, I guess Reki and Miya met her earlier today," Continued Ryan. Langa nodded painfully, and waved hello to Carly. Carly gave him a tight smile in return then turned all her attention on Reki. Langa frowned. He then felt an arm slip behind him, and turned to see that Mark was right up next to him, grinning.

"So, how was the rest of your day?" Asked Mark winking. Langa smiled, politely, but felt like he needed to get out of this situation as soon as possible. He had only just met Mark that same day, and things felt like they were moving to fast for Langa's liking. And with Langa's complicated feelings, he didn't want Mark to get hurt.

"It was good," said Langa. Mark nodded.

"Glad to hear it," he said.

Meanwhile, across the table, Miya and Owen continued to talk to each other.

"You have to teach me some of your moves! I wish I could skateboard! And we should totally game together!" Owen blurted. Miya nodded.

"Sure, sounds good," said Miya. He was trying to keep his cool. Miya was really confident around people older than him, but not people his same age. He was afraid he was going to lash out. He just had so many bad experiences with boys the same age as him, he really hoped Owen wasn't the same.

"Dinners ready!" Called Joe from the kitchen, bringing in plates. Everyone ceased there conversations, eyes focused on the delicious food. It was all devoured in a heart beat.

      "Guys we should play party games now!" Suggested Miranda, as they all cleared there places.

     "Sounds good babe, I'll get the alcohol," agreed Mikey, and with that...the games were afoot.

      "Okay first up, how about a little beer pong?" Mikey said once all the alcohol was prepared.

      "Miya and I are gonna go play video games why you losers get drunk," said Owen. So Miya and Owen took there conceals into Miya's room, deciding they were too good for the older kids.

       "I'm up for beer pong! We've got a table outside! You and Miranda v.s Cherry and I!" Roared Joe.

      "Oh your so on!" Yelled Miranda. And with that, Ryan, Carly, Mark, Langa, and Reki we're the only ones left in the living room.

      "Hey Mark, I hate to do this to you, but could you drive Owen home? I know you don't usually drink. Our mother just called from the hospital!" Explained Ryan.

     "Of course man! No problem!" Agreed Mark, grinning. Ryan smiled.

      "Thanks I really appreciate it! Well, I'm off! Bye guys! I had fun!" Ryan called, leaving.

      "Bye Ryan!" Yelled Mark, Carly, Reki, and Langa.

       "So what should we do now?" Carly asked, looking at the others.

       "Truth or dare?" Mark suggested. Langa and Reki made eye contact, unsure of what to do.

        "Uh...sure," said Reki. So the four of them sat down in a circle. Mark was next to Langa who was next to Reki who was next to Carly who was next to Mark.

       "Alright! I'll start! Langa, truth or dare?" Asked Carly, a devilish gleam in her eye.

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