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Miya, Joe, and Cherry had all quickly taken off back the beach house, but Langa and Reki had decided to take the long way back. Langa was concerned about Reki, his mood had seemed to just shift. The two boys were walking hand in hand. Their free hands carrying there skateboards. They walked down rows upon rows of pale colored beach houses, the sea breeze blowing through their hair.

"Do you want to talk now?" Asked Langa as the passed a bright grey seashell house. Reki nodded slowly.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what got into me Langa," Reki explained. Langa tightened his grip on Reki's hand.

      "Reki, you can tell me," he promised, looking into the red haired boy's face. Reki looked up into Langa's blue eyes. The two of them locked eye contact, pulses speeding up. Reki sighed.

      "I don't know. I was just jealous, and confused," he admitted,"You see, I've always been really overprotective. I guess that's what comes with being an older brother. I love making new friends, but when my friends make new friends I never like it. I know that's wrong, but it's just the way I am. And it's on a whole other level with you Langa! Because your the person I care about more than anyone else in the world! So when I saw Mark getting so close to you...I panicked."

      Langa was shocked. He didn't know what to say, and he had no clue what Reki had meant by that. In what way was Reki jealous?

       "Reki, there's something I need to tell you. It's something that I've avoided telling you for a long time now, but you deserve to know. It's just...well only really my Mom knows. I'm not really comfortable with telling people...but...but," Langa stammered, turning red. Reki's amber eyes grew wide.

     "Go on Langa, you know I won't judge," promised Reki. Langa smiled at Reki, gaining more confidence.

      "I...I....I don't like girls. Like, at all. I like guys. I...I'm gay," Langa blurted out, squeezing Reki's hand while he said it. He had to say, it felt really weird coming out to your straight best friend while holding hands with them. Reki's eyebrows went up.

    "Really? Langa...I had no clue! I'm so glad you told me! I'm really proud of you!" Reki beamed. He stopped waking, and took his hand out of Langa's. Langa felt his breath hitch, and then...before he knew it Reki was bear hugging Langa with all his might.

     "I love you man, i'm so glad you trusted me. I promise your secret is safe with me," Reki whispered into Langa's blue hair. Langa squeezed Reki back, feeling content.

     This was one of those times when Langa realized how much he loved Reki as a friend. Of course Langa loved him more than that, Langa was constantly feeling feelings for Reki. But there were also time where Langa felt the strong friendship between the two of them, and this was one of those times.

Their hug lasted forever. Neither of them wanted to pull apart, until finally they realized the couldn't just stand in the street like that forever. They pulled apart still gazing into each others eyes.

Oh gosh, Langa wanted to kiss Reki so bad. The sun was beginning to set and it was hitting Reki's face perfectly. Reki looked so beautiful, his brown eyes were skinning. Langa brushed a piece of his bright red hair behind his ear, unable control himself. Reki blushed, glancing at Langa's lips. They inched closer to each other, neither sure of what was happening.

"Reki, can I kiss you?" Langa asked, not even sure of what he was saying until it was too late. Reki's eyes grew wide.

"I...I've never kissed anyone," Reki admitted, inching closer.

"Neither have I," Langa said, inching closer as well until there were only around 5 inches left between them.

"It wouldn't hurt to get it over with," whispered Reki, twirling a string of Langas blue hair around his finger. 4 inches.

"I mean, it's not long it means anything. Just a spur of the moment decision," promised Langa, his heart pounding in his ears. 3 inches.

"Yeah totally. It's lame that we're both eighteen and haven't kissed anyone, we need to," Reki assured, ignoring all his gay panic thoughts. 2 inches.

"Exactly," whispered Langa, closing his eyes. 1 inch.

"Exactly," Reki, repaired, closing his as well.

The next moment, they felt each others soft lips on each other. Langa felt an electric current ripple thought him, and he felt a surge of heat move from his face to his chest, soon consuming his whole body. He felt Reki's hands, wound there way through this hair more, and he kissed harder unable to control himself.

As for Reki, the boy didn't know what the heck was going on in his stomach. There was a surge of butterflies, swarming every which way. He wrapped his hands around Langa's soft hair, wanting more and more with every second. Langa was...Langa was a really good kisser.

The two quickly pulled apart, realizing what they had just done. There faces were painted with red. They stared at each other in shock.

"Are...are you sure your straight?" Asked Langa chuckling. Reki laughed too, but didn't give an answer.

"We should head back, you don't want to keep Mark waiting," Reki teased, elbowing Langa in the shoulder.

"I thought you didn't like him," Langa stammered. Reki smiled.

"I don't."

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