The Beach House

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The crew arrived at their beach house just as the sun was beginning to set. It was nice and comfortable, with three bedrooms, a huge kitchen, and a comfy common space. Joe quickly hurried into the kitchen getting to work on dinner, while Cherry unpacked in their room. Joe and Cherry shared the room next to Miya's. Thankfully thought, it was soundproof. It had their own private bathroom, and porch that led right to the hot springs.

Miya decided to wait until dinner was ready to do anything. He snuggled into his bed, taking deciding to take a nap. He glanced at the empty bed beside him meant for Shadow and shrugged.

"What a slime, ditching like that," he mumbled as his eyes began to close. As for Reki and Langa...they were across the hallway...freaking out.

"Langa I promise I thought it said two beds!" Reki cried red faced, and ashamed. Langa wasn't sure why Reki was having a breakdown. Every time the two had a sleepover they slept in the same bed, why would he care now all of a sudden, but then Langa glanced at the bed. Both Langa and Reki had king sized beds, so every time they stayed the night they could stay comfortably on their side.

This bed on the other hand, was half that size. It was teeny! Langa felt heat creep up from the bottom of his neck to the top. Butterflies flew in his stomach as he thought about what this meant.

"Oh! You know since Shadow couldn't make it, Miya has an extra bed! Maybe we could switch rooms with him!" Reki cheered. Langa slumped. He didn't want to change rooms.

"I think Miya's asleep, we probably shouldn't bother him. I don't really care, but we can change rooms if you want to," Langa suggested. Reki turned red. He didn't want to change rooms either.

"No! No! It's fine! Your right, we shouldn't bother Miya!" Reki stammered. Langa smiled. At that, the two boys began to unpack their suitcases, as the smelled the sweet aroma of Italian coming from the kitchen. Reki felt his mouth began to water. Finally, the two boys heard the words they had been waiting for.

"Dinner is ready!" Joe called, in a sing song voice. At that a stampede rushed to the kitchen, growling at each other to be the first ones to the delicious masterpiece. When they entered the kitchen, the three kids yelled and covered they're eyes.

"Ugh! Seriously? Right before dinner?" Miya whined. Joe and Cherry blushed, seeing they had been caught teaching each other French.

"Dude, why did you call that dinner was ready and have us all rush in here just to witness a make out session?" Reki complained, trying not to laugh. Langa was already in tears, holding on the Reki's shoulder for dear life. Reki began to laugh more. Then Miya joined in, and soon all five of them were cackling away.

"This is so good!" Langa cheered, taking up another slice of Joe's famous Italian pizza.

"Of course it's good, it's pizza. You can never go wrong with pizza," Reki chimed in, tearing away at his food.

"It could use some more seasoning," Miya mentioned, cutting his silverware into the cheese.

"Gross Miya, who eats a pizza like that?" Reki complained.

"I do," Cherry chimed in, and they all looked to see that he too used silverware to eat a pizza.

"You two are both lunatics," Joe sighed, grinning.

"Mommy knows best," Miya said.

"Would you stop calling Cherry your Mommy? It's weird," Joe complained.

"Yes daddy," Miya replied, grinning devilishly. Joe rolled his eyes, as Langa and Reki began to laugh.

"Guys I can't believe tomorrow is the day!" Reki cheered. All eyes went to him.

"It's no fair, once you hit eighteen, I'll be the only one unable to see any color," Miya sighed, picking at his food more.

"That's what you get for being such a pain in the ass," Reki laughed, causing Miya to snarl at him.

"I'm really excited for you Reki, I hope you get a good color," Langa said encouragingly. Joe and Cherry gave each other a look, and Miya smirked.

"I hope so too, Langa," Reki replied.

"Oh I bet you will Reki," Miya said, smirking some more. Joe gave Miya a warning look. Miya smiled innocently in return.

"So what are we going to do tomorrow to celebrate?" Joe asked, putting his arm around Cherry. Reki smiled.

"Well I don't know, I was just thinking something simple. Like we could all go skateboarding around the beach town," Reki suggested, getting grins in return.

"That sounds perfectly alright to me, but Reki when do we need to do the celebration? What time will you turn eighteen?" Cherry asked, pushing up his glasses.

"Actually it's kind of a weird time. I was born at 3:42am," Reki admitted, "So I was just thinking that when I wake up I'll see color and we'll go about the day."

"Wow Reki you really have this all planned out don't you?" Joe asked, proudly. Reki grinned at him sheepishly.

"Uh...yeah, I guess," he said, scratching the back of his neck. Langa dreamily smiled at him, thinking of how cute the amber eyed ball of sunshine was.

After dinner, the group got on their bathing suits and raced to the hot springs, relaxing after their long trip over.

"Aaaaah this is perfect," Joe sighed, his arms around Cherry. Cherry sat in front of him, laying against his chest, eyes closed. He seemed to be asleep. Miya say next to the two of them, splashing Joe every once in a while to annoy him. Reki sat next to Miya, scooting closer to Langa every chance he got. Langa did the same. For one to get closer to Reki, and also to get away from Joe. He didn't want to disrupt the lovebirds unlike Miya. The five of them relaxed their circle, all thinking about how great the next day would be.

The stars were out, and chilly air blew through their hair, causing them all to sink lower into the heat of the hot springs. Eventually, Joe got out, dragging Cherry with him.

"I think it's time I put this one to bed," Joe winked, grabbing two towels and hoisting up his husband. Miya looked at Reki and Langa wearily.
He had hanged out with the two of them many times, just the three of them. Never had he felt like a third wheel, but things had changed. The stars shown on the boy's faces, and Miya realized the two had become even closer in the past month. They kept giving each other looks when they thought the other wasn't looking. Miya sighed, Joe was right, he needed to find a boyfriend.

"Welp, I'm off too, got some more gaming to do," Miya said, getting out and grabbing a towel.

"Okay, sleep well," Reki called out.

"Whatever slime," Miya called back as he went inside closing the door behind him. Reki felt a cool breeze in the air and instinctively pushed himself closer to Langa.

Langa froze. The two of them were just inches apart. He could easily sneak his arm behind Reki, but he was far too nervous for that. Langa couldn't believe that Reki's birthday was tomorrow. He desperately needed Reki to see blue.

"So Langa, what's the color amber like?" Reki asked, leaning his head against Langa's shoulder. A move he did a lot. Reki slipped his hands around Langa's arm, pressing the two of them close. For some reason, Reki thought this was perfectly straight.

"Uh...uh," Langa stammered, blushing like a maniac. Nerves tracked throughout his body, and a current of energy ripples through him, as he felt Reki's soft hair against him, as he felt Reki's body heat radiating from him. Langa couldn't move, couldn't breathe, couldn't swallow. The two of them were skin to skin, alone together, watching the stars.

Reki took his head off of Langa, and looked into his eyes, concerned.

"What's wrong," he asked, gently. Langa was still frozen.

"Uh...uh," he managed. Reki frowned.

"Your too hot aren't you? Should we go back inside?" Reki asked innocently. All Langa could do was nod. So the two boys dried themselves off, and hurried quickly to their room. Once they had changed into their pajamas they both looked at the bed. They had forgotten how small it was.

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