New Faces

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   Langa realized his sport was definitely not volleyball, but he was still having a lot of fun. It was helping to take his mind of Reki. Mark was probably the best at the game out of the group. Apparently, he actually played in tournaments. His sister Miranda was pretty good too. She seemed really chill. They had two other people playing with them. One was there friend Ryan, and the other was Miranda's boyfriend, Mikey.

Langa wasn't the best at new situations and new people, but he seemed to be adjusting better than he usually did. Maybe it was because he was so determined to get his mind off...other things.

"Yeah! Another point for us!" Mark yelled, high fiving Langa. They both grinned at each other. Mark winked. Langa blushed.

"Mind if I join?" A voice asked behind them. They both turned to see the one and only Joe, shirt off, sparkling smile, holding hands with his beloved Cherry. He winked at them.

"Oh hey Joe," remarked Langa. Mark looked between the two of them.

"Uh hi, I'm Mark! Yeah you should totally join!" Mark cheered.

"Nice to meet you," said Joe, letting go of Cherry and getting into a volleyball stance.

"Pleasure," said Cherry, doing the same. Mark smiled.

"I guess I'll join too," another voice said from behind Mark. Mark turned to see a little boy yawning, with cat like eyes.

"That's Miya," said Langa.

"Hey," said Mark.

"Langa there you are!" A voice called, and all of a sudden Langa felt Reki run into his arms. Langa couldn't help it, all the feelings he had for Reki swarmed him in a rush.

"I'm glad to see you're doing okay, I was worried about you!" Reki cried, grabbing Langa's face and inspecting him. Langa felt his whole face heat up, and his heart began to beat rapidly. He felt a chill throughout his whole body. Gosh, he loved Reki so much.

"Yeah," Langa told Reki, looking down. Mark gave the two of them a curious look.

"Hey, I'm Mark," he said, going up to Reki. Reki turned with a smile.

"Reki!" He replied, shaking Mark's hand. Once all the introductions had taken place with both parties, the game was set a foot.

It was Miranda, Mikey, Joe, and Cherry v.s Ryan, Mark, Langa, Reki, and Miya. They all played each other for a while, getting to know the others. It was all fun and games, and everyone was glad to have more company. Eventually they all took a break for lunch.

"So what are you guys doing later?" Asked Joe, biting into a sandwich. The group was sitting at a long rectangular table at a little take out restaurant next to the beach. Langa was awkwardly sandwiched between Mark and Reki. Mark quickly realized that Reki was getting all of Langa's attention.

"Nothing much," Miranda told Joe, as she leaned on Mikey.

"Yeah, if you guys want to keep hanging that would be chill," Mikey shared.

"Yeah that sounds good, you guys should come to our beach house!" Reki suggested.

"Okay sounds fun, I'm digging it," agreed Mark.

"Do you think I could bring my little brother along with me?" Asked Ryan.

"Sure!" Reki told him.

"Oh and we have another friend that's our roommate here, could she come too?" Asked Miranda.

"Of course!" Reki beamed. Langa smiled, scooting in closer to the sun shine boy.

"Sweet man! Can't wait!" Mark said, smiling at Reki.

They all finished their lunch, and then decided to split, planning to meet up later.

"Here's my phone number, text me the address," said Mark, typing his number into Langa's phone. The others were busy talking, but Mark focused all his attention onto the blue haired boy.

"I can't wait to see you later, I'm really glad we met," whispered Mark, leaning in to give Langa's cheek a kiss. Langa smiled, glad to have the attention. Glad to know that someone could like him that way.

"See you later Mark," Langa whispered back.

Reki had been laughing with Ryan when he had turned and saw Mark and Langa's exchange. Reki froze. What was Mark doing? Langa was straight, and Langa would never let anyone kiss him like that. Langa never talked about relationships or any of that stuff. Reki felt a surge of pain ripple through him.

Part of him said, that should be him. That should be Reki whispering sweet things into Langa's ear, and kissing him on the cheek. Langa was his. The other side of him was in shock, in denial. Langa was straight, and Reki was just reading too much into things. And even if Langa wasn't straight, why should Reki care? Of course he would support him, but it's not like it changed things. Because Reki was straight...wasn't he? Or was he?

Reki felt himself spiraling, and on the verge of a panic attack. No one got to get that close to Langa except him. He quickly pushed through thier group, until he reached the blue haired boy. He grabbed Langa's hand into his, determined. Mark was already waving goodbye, the whole group was saying goodbye, but Reki couldn't hear them. All Reki could hear was his own breathing. The only thing he could feel was Langa's hand in his.

Reki realized that he should never agreed to having Mark come over later. He never wanted to see Mark's stupid grin again. Langa gazed at Reki curiously, but Reki could only look straight forward, zoned out. His eyes were burning with jealousy.

"Reki, we're leaving," Langa breathed, pulling Reki along with him. Away from the beach.

Miya, Joe, and Cherry all gave each other concerned looks. They hoped everything would turn out okay with blueberry boy and the boy who was sunshine itself.

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