New Students

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Nickel's P.O.V:

I put on my prosthetic arms so I can hold my lunch and look around for a seat when I hear someone eagerly call my name.


I turn to the sound of Bomby's voice to see him and the rest of Just Not! sitting on the same table, they clearly wanted me to join in so I decided not to argue and go sit over with them. Better than sitting with any of the other clubs I'm in, Just Not is one of the least annoying out them all.

Taggy: So I overheard from Cabby and Principal Announcer that we're getting two transfer students here tomorrow.

Nickel: Are we now, heh we just keep getting newbies more often aren't we?

Book: Perhaps the greatness of Dream Island Academy is getting to be more recognized. ^u^

Naily: I honestly can't wait to see their initial reactions to the fact that one of the students here is you know what.

Naily chuckles mischievously as she points to the table behind us with some of Death P.A.C.T. we all could tell who she was talking about.

Nickel: Oh yeah, that's definitely gonna rile them up. And I'm not just saying that sarcastically. 

Bomby: Well I can't wait to see what object they'll be.

Naily: Just remember to restrain yourself if one of them turns out to be a banana Bomby, we don't want a repeat of that one time Team Ice Cube was getting a new member after so fluffing long.

Bomby: I know...

Nickel: That's why I don't usually hang out with food objects. 

Cake: Wait I thought we hung out?

Nickel: Oh you're here? Sorry, kinda forgot you for a moment.

Cake: Hey, that's not cool! :C

I roll my eyes while holding a cheeky smile and go back to reading my Teen Titans comic.

The next day wasn't anything to different, talk of the transfer students skyrocketed and by the sounds of it seemed impossible to ignore. As I walked into science class I could tell that most of this talk was about only one of the transfers. 

Bomb: H-h-h-h-he r-really d-d-did that to y-y-y-you?

Fan: Yeah, phsss ooh I still can't feel my poor typing hand...

Tennis Ball: I heard that he was expelled from his old school for literally attacking a classmate! *gulp* And to think we're going to be in the same PE class.

Saw: Yeesh, that's rough my guy. Good luck there.

I haven't met any of the new students yet so I'm gonna try not to let those rumors over someone I didn't even see yet get to me, finally the teacher shows up shuts everyone up.

Six: Alright, alright everyone settle down! Now, I'm sure you all know about the new students here at the school today. One of which is will be joining us in this classroom, everyone say hello to Suitcase Sandlot.

A small girl but still bigger than me then walks in holding her bag low in front of her and appeared somewhat shy. As her name states, she's a brown suitcase with gold straps on the sides of her head, her outfit matched those colors too.

Suitcase: Uh Hi there, It's really nice to meet you all and I hope we can be good friends.

Six: Go sit down somewhere Suitcase and we can get started.

Of all the open seats in the room she chose the one right next to me. I immediately avoid eye contact with her as after setting up her desk she looks at me with a curious look to her face.

Suitcase: Hi, nice to meet you.

Nickel: uh-huh yeah whatever.

Suitcase: ...

Suitcase: You're name is Nickel right?

Nickel: Yeah. What gave you the idea anyway?

Suitcase: Lucky guess. :)

Six: Okay class, today we'll be going over the relationship between mass and velocity. Open your science textbooks to page 57 and read along with me.

Later when class was finally over I grabbed my things and went to my locker ignoring the new girl, I wasn't really in the mood to socialize today.

Suitcase: Hey can I talk to you abo-

Nickel: No, smell you later.

On my way down the hallway I hadn't really been looking ahead of me and I faceplant against someone in which they tripped over me dropping their stuff too.

Nickel: OOH!

???: AAH-!!


Nickel: HEY WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING YOU BIG-! big...big... big....

???: Grrrr..!

~To be Continued~

(Author's NOTE: Looks like Nickel has gotten himself into some BIG trouble, will he make it out safe? Stay tunned next chapter to find out!)

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