Chapter 134

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That Christmas

We had started a new tradition, Christmas at the Burrow. If we were all really honest that tradition started when we started coming home with the twins ages ago. Literally everyone came. From all the Weasley children right down to Hallie and Karl.

This year was extra special though. I had planned something for Fred. I had been dying to tell him but my determination to see this plan through outweighed my want to tell him. It had been agony to sit all day and exchange looks with Molly as we both struggled not to blurt out anything.

We were finally in the home stretch and all the presents were opened except one which Molly had insisted be opened last. She had helped me arrange everything. I had to physically restrain myself from biting off all my nails and giving something away. I had never been more terrified, not even on my wedding day.

"Well, I don't know about you all but I'm dying to know what's in that giant box over there." Hallie pointed out
"It says it's for Fred." Ron spoke examining the tag

"What?" Fred questioned
"It's awful light too." Ron picked up the package and walked it over to where Fred was sitting on the couch
"Who's it from?" Fred asked
"Doesn't say." Ron replied
"Ok?" Fred spoke taking off the lid "oh look... another box."

He repeated this action more times than anyone could count. Twelve boxes later he was asking some questions.
"Is this a prank?" Fred laughed as the boxes grew ever smaller
"How long will this go on." Hallie asked

Finally after opening box twenty seven Fred pulled out a box made of a different material. He turned the black, velvet box over in his hands.

"Open it Then!" Molly urged
Fred skeptically opened the box, by now everyone was standing around trying to get a glimpse of what was happening.
"A baby? Why would someone give you a plastic- oh." Ron spoke

Everyone looked bewildered from the small toy to me as I tried concealing my smirk. Fred had his face angled so perfectly that I couldn't see his reaction. I leaned forward trying to figure out his response as he sat stone still.

"Freddie?" I asked barley above a breath
His lack of a response was making me nervous, was this not what he wanted? I mean I was already scared, if he wasn't happy what would I do? What if after everything he didn't want children anymore? I began to fidget with the delicate gold band around my ring finger.

What if he wasn't prepared yet? I'm not even sure I'm ready.
"Are you really?" He looked at me tears brimming in his eyes
"Yep..." I spoke

A grin grew on his face "Really? Truly? You aren't pranking me are you?"
I laughed "No of course not! I wouldn't prank you about this."
"B-but how. The doctors said-"
"They got it wrong, the official test confirmed it. I got the paperwork two weeks ago."

"Oh gods, we're gonna have our own baby!" Fred smiled wrapping his arms around me
Everyone broke out into smiles and laughter
Fred laughed "You've known about this? For two whole weeks!"

"After everything, I really wanted to surprise you, it was really hard not blurting it out though." I laughed along with him letting him wipe away my tears of joy
"Stop crying on me!" He beamed
"I can't help it! You're happy, I was so nervous, I thought you would be upset!" I replied

"Upset? The last time I was this happy you had just agreed to marry me!"
Even Hallie was crying, everyone was. I wasn't supposed to be able to have children.
I laughed, still sniffling the last of my happy tears away. It had taken us almost six years but we were finally going to have a baby.

"Well go on then, there was something else in the bottom of the box."
Still grinning madly Fred leaned over the last box and pulled out a onesie. It was orange with purple embroidery on it "Favorite Weasley Wizard Wheezes Employee" on the front "Dad's #1 Helper" on the back

His smile grew even more than should have been possible as he held the article of clothing closer to him.
"Thank you." Fred leaned over placing a gentle kiss to my lips
"Hm, for what?" I replied
"For the best Christmas gift I could have hoped for."

"You're right because that embroidery crap is no joke! I had so many breakdowns in front of your mum I never thought I would get it!" I joked
He smiled kissing me again "I love you."

Seven Months Later
"Please Darling I'll be back in a couple hours and George will check on you in the meantime." Fred spoke putting on his jacket
"Fred, nothing is going to break me. You treat me like I'm fragile yet I'm the size of a full grown troll. Why can't I go?"

Fred kissed the top of my head "One you aren't the size of a full grown troll, half maybe. Two don't talk about my wife like that. And three you are making a whole other human being right now so I'll treat you as fragile as I want to."

I huffed "Then I'm going to do everything you tell me not to when you're home." I retorted
He paused "You most certainly will not. You're going to go sit down and read your books."
"Says who?"
"Says me and George who will be reinforcing my will."

"I hate you right now."
"And I love you too. I'll be back in a few hours."
"You can leave alone me longer than that you know."
"Not likely." Fred replied blowing me a kiss before walking out the door

Roughly Two Months Later
Poor Freddie, he had wanted to stay but the doctors wouldn't let him. He'd all but ripped my hand off before letting go and had gone to sit in the waiting room with everyone else.

He looked almost scared as he knocked on the door. He stood there waiting for permission to enter.
"You can come in Fred." I laughed
He looked extremely pale inching his way in.

He came to stand by the side of the bed looking more at me than he was at the baby I was holding.
"I know I said I wanted a lot of kids but I think I'm ok with one. Seeing you like that scared me." He confessed easing himself onto the bed with me

"It was worth it though wasn't it? You have a son now." I said gesturing to the small bundle I was holding
It was as if he forgot why we were here in the first place, brushing some of my wild, sweaty curls out of my face. His face morphed into something sentimental I hadn't seen since I married him.

His eyes filled with tears as I handed him the little baby.
"Hello there." He smiled as the baby started to coo at him "What are we gonna name you huh?"
"I thought, maybe Gideon... after a certain someone." I suggested

He laughed still sniffling "And a Middle name?"
"Mason? After Apollo. We can name the next one after George."
"I think we have too many people to pick from." Fred replied
"Well, we do have to leave some names for the others."

"Well then, I suppose I better show him to everyone before they go crazy. Will you be alright by yourself for a minute?"
"Of course."
Fred kissed me tenderly standing up "I love you."
"I know."

1280 Words

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