Chapter 12

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Sage's POV:
That morning had been like any other, except Hallie was off in some unknown location, and I was in the great hall studying. Madam Pince had decided to close the library for the day to get things back in order, some people had been causing too much racket. Obviously the twins had pulled one too many pranks and now I couldn't escape to my windowsill. After a while I got bored and I had finished all the extra work I had been assigned. So I decided to head to the art room again, I had completely forgotten about my oil painting. The rainy weather had reminded me of my project tucked away somewhere. Hopefully undamaged. When I arrived I just snagged my painting and left, apparently there are clay molding classes and I had the misfortune of walking right into the middle of one. I made my way back to the dorms to put my new painting with the rest of my creations, as I made my way up the stairs I noticed the door was open. Meaning Hallie had finally come back from her disappearance, which felt like a whole week. Maybe I'm just too antisocial and anxious to be independent.

"Hi Hallie, where have you been all day?" I questioned as I walked into the room
Hallie was rushing around getting ready for something. She was fixing her hair, putting on light makeup, changing her clothes, and grabbing a small tan satchel purse and throwing things into it. Perfume, lipgloss, gum, and more mascara.
"Hi Sage, can't talk now. Going to hang out with Karl. Talk later!" She called while rushing out of the room
Before I had the time to react she was gone, and there I was with an oil painting in my hand standing in our dorm room alone. It didn't bother me all that much seeing as I wasn't a huge people person, but I did miss my friend and it had only been less than 5 hours since I saw her this morning. Lunch was technically about to start but I wasn't all that hungry.  I might've had a few too many muffins and bacon this morning. We wont talk about that.

I decided to walk around the school, as well as accidentally on purpose walk past the library to see if it was open yet. As I turned a corner in the hallways, I heard Clementine's voice.
"No reason, just heading to the library." She stated, clearly speaking to someone else
I turned the corner to see clementines back and Fred's face. Fred. I approached the two and spoke up.
"Hey Clemen, hi Fred" walking up behind Clementine I heard her exhale a sigh of relief.
"There you are!" She exclaimed
"Hi Fred" I smiled, fidgeting with my fingers behind my back. I could feel Clementines internal eye roll from here.

"Okay, time to stop flirting, I need to talk to Sage" Clementine grumbled while yanking on my arm "Do you happen to know where Hallie is?"
"Oh she's off somewhere with Karl" I said turning my head to look at her, flailing my free hand back and fourth
Clementine simply nodded gripping my arm aggressively and dragging me away from the God. I looked over at him again, and he was waving at me.
"I'll see you later Fred!" I shouted
He simply shook his head, chuckling at me and my friends antics. Then walked off, probably to go find George. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness at having to part with him so soon.
But obviously what Clemen had to say was important, by the urgency in her voice. "Where are they?"
"Probably still in potions" I responded
She simply nodded at me again, and sped walked back to the potions class. Of course she was still dragging me so, I was struggling to say the least. Finally we found Hallie and my arm was released from the iron grip, I made my way over to Hallie and smugly leaned against a desk.
"Hey Hallie." I smirked
"Oh hey... Clementine you- you've met Karl before" Hallie reintroduced the the two
"I'm so sorry to interrupt this- well, whatever this is. But I need to talk to Hallie"

Hallie quickly walked out of the room and Clementine grabbed my arm again and dragged me out.
"You know I can walk right?" I sarcastically muttered
"Yes. Yes I know, but this is important."
We walked ~one of us was dragged~ into the newly opened library and walked to the very back of the room to where my escape place was. That area was a little living room type area with arm chairs and a coffee table. That's how I always got up to the windowsill, I just climbed up onto the armchair and used it as a step stool.
"Sit down." Clementine ordered
Me and Hallie gave each other the confused raised eyebrow look.
"Sit!" She practically yelled
We sat down in unison from the sheer force in her tone
"Okay, okay" Hallie soothed

Clementine exhaled a large breath "Okay- this might sound insane-" Clementine started, only to be interrupted by Hallie
"Get to the point, me and Sage still have classes" She said gesturing to me and her
"I'm trying" Clementine mumbled "so, I had this hyper realistic dream last night and I saw my brother and I was little again, maybe four or five. Anyway, to the point he cast incendio right at my face, I fell into water and everything went black. And I woke up in this hot sweat, and everything felt and looked so real."
Clementine looked down at the coffee table and zoned out, me and Hallie just gave each other a surprised look.
"Maybe it's a childhood memory.... or it could just be a nightmare." I suggested
"Yeah, I agree with Sage. Probably just a nightmare. There's no need to worry about it."
Clementine nodded, she gathered her things, gave a quick farewell and left.

Hallie and I sat there for a moment exchanging concerned and confused looks, eventually we both had classes to get to and we went about the rest of our day as normal. The subject of Clementine's dream wasn't mentioned for the rest of the day.

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