Chapter 70

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Sage's POV:
"Hallie look! I found Shakespeare!" I beamed showing her the book I found full of Shakespeare's writing
"You mean the Bible." She commented looking at how big the book was

I rolled my eyes as I sat down opening the book. The twins were with us playing an intense game of wizards chess. It felt like forever since I had been in the library like this.

"You are such a Granny, you know that?" Hallie remarked
Fred snorted trying to conceal his laughter at her random insult. I threatened to his him over the head with my book.
"What do you mean by that?" I asked

"Oh nothing just, you drink black coffee, you like sappy books like little women, and you understand Shakespeare." She laughed
"I prefer the term 'old soul" I sarcastically responded
"Gr-a-nny." She teased

"Morning you guys." Clementine smiled walking up on our conversation
"Well well well, look who's finally awake." I smirked
"Oh shove off." Clementine smiled
She sat down pulling out her book. We were all chilling in a peaceful silence, although I kept noticing Clementine glancing at me.

Clementine sighed, shutting her book and looking at me. I slowly turned to look back at her.
"What?" I asked
"What is that?" She questioned
Clementine leaned forward pulling back the collar of the jumper I was wearing. She had noticed a bruise on my collar bone and she had just exposed a few more. It was obvious what they were.

Hallie and Clementine's jaws dropped as Fred tried to contain his smirk.
"Sage!" Hallie practically shrieked
"Fred?" Clementine stuttered
George just shook his head.
"Well at least your friends don't have any confusion on who you belong to." Fred remarked under his breath, of course still loud enough for everyone to hear

I knew it was terrible to be getting butterflies at his comment, I know I should be making some speech about how I don't belong to anyone. But in all honesty, he could hit me with a bus and I would say thank you.
"You two are nasty." Hallie mumbled

Eventually everyone went their separate ways, leaving me and Fred on the library. We stared at each other for a moment before Fred spoke up.
"Want another hickey?" He smirked
"Stop it!" I laughed playfully shoving him
Ever since that first night at Sirius' Fred's been more, playful with the way he talks to me.
"So, what's happening?" I asked
"Mmm, not much. Although the first quidditch match is coming up soon. In a few weeks." He responded

He was so diligent in knowing everything that went on in my life. Sometimes I felt like a bad girlfriend for not always doing the same. I'm working on it.
"You'll be there right?"
"Of course!" I smiled

Fred and I ran around the school most of the day, avoiding toad face and pulling pranks. Living with the new professor was like being put in correctional school. She made sure students looked picture perfect, that no student was closer than eight inches of students of the opposite gender. The twins hated her especially, she always ruined their fun with their products if she caught them.

It was always a fun day hanging out with Fred, sneaking around, laughing. Even after dinner had finished he found me and we hung out some more.

"Hey, wannna head back to my dorm?" Fred asked
"Sure, why not."
We snuck around the halls and through the secret passages back to the Gryffindor common room. Fred disabled the spell on the stairs and we headed up. We were having to control our stupid laughter, it was too late at night and too easy to get caught. I whispered the password and swung the door open.

"Choke me-"
"BLOODY HELL." I gasped
Hallie was lying back on George's bed as he practically sat on top of her. I know I didn't hear what I just heard. The two jumped apart and Hallie scrambled up off the bed. Fred stifling his laugher while the color drained from my face. It was giving flashbacks from when we walked in on her and Karl. Only worse.

"What are you guys doing here?" Hallie quietly spat
She does know this is Fred's room too right?
"Clearly walking in on something we shouldn't have." Fred snorted
Hallie's face was bright red, I probably looked white as a ghost as I covered my mouth with my hand. George stood up standing casually behind Hallie as if we hadn't walked in on them.

"Uh, we'll leave you two to your uh- fun." Fred smirked
He grabbed my shoulders and lead me out of the room, shutting the door just before Hallie could attack him.
"Fred!-" she snapped

We ran back down the hallway in fear of Hallie coming after us.
"Your room then?" Fred laughed
I simply nodded, still in shock of what I had witnessed. After all that fuss she made about me having hickeys and she was asking George to CHOKE HER?

"You can't be too surprised, I mean they are dating." Fred remarked
"I- I know. It's just, I didn't expect to see them getting freaky first hand. They've never walked in on us, why do we have to walk in on them." I said rubbing my eyes trying to forget the traumatic image burned into my brain.

"I'm gonna read to forget." I sighed dramatically
I pulled myself off my bed and over to my bookshelf. I picked up little women, again. I lay on my bed against the headboard.
"Read it to me?" Fred asked awkwardly
"Sure!" I smiled

Fred curled up against my side as I started the first chapter. Fred traced patterns on my abdomen until chapter 23. I hadn't realized I was playing with his hair until I stopped and Fred commented that it calmed him when I did that. Fred fell asleep on my chest so I closed the book, memorizing our spot and turned out my lamp.

1006 Words

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