Chapter 67

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Sage's POV:
It has been four days since arriving at Sirius Black's house, and since that night with Fred. I had managed to read all the books I brought, the books that Hallie had brought, and a few of Sirius' books.

I hadn't managed to tell anyone about that night, I wasn't sure if I was embarrassed or shocked. The house elf was unnecessarily rude, the portrait on the wall screamed, Harry was upset about things, Clementine was traumatized and diagnosed with BPD, and Hallie and George were dating. It was a strange time.

Luckily Sirius had a nice piano in his house, that he agreed to let me play. He said he always loved the sound of piano playing through the house. So I spent my time doing something other than reading. Unfortunately that meant everyone found out I could play piano, which of course meant they made a fuss. I guess I just didn't enjoy people asking me where I learned to play and then me having to explain that my parents who are currently in Azkaban taught me.

Currently I'm laying on my bed reading another book.
"Hey." Fred smiled leaning against the doorframe
"Hi." I responded
I've kind of been avoiding Fred. Not because I was upset or anything I think I'm just, I don't know confused maybe?

He came an sat down on the floor leaning against the side of the bed.
"What are you reading?" He asked
He reached up and over his head grabbing the book out of my hands. He stared at the book intently.
"It's upside down silly." I commented
"So it is." He responded marking my page and setting the book down

We sat in silence after he let out a sigh. It was quite awkward actually, causing me to fidget and start twisting the end of one of my French braids around my wrist.
"Talk to me." He said letting his head fall back onto the bed
"A-about what?" I asked
"I know you've been avoiding me." He stated
So much for thinking I had been disguising it well.

"Listen, I love you. I plan on spending the rest of my existence with you, I don't regret the other night. And I know that you may not feel the same way. But I need you to know that I'm not sorry." Fred was now sitting on the edge of the bed staring into my soul

I leaned forward, wrapping my arms around his neck "Me either." I sniffed
I hadn't expected the heartfelt confession, those really weren't his thing. He wrapped his arms around me.
"Are you crying?" He laughed
"No!" I said shoving his face away from mine

"Hey I forgot to tell you, Harry gave George and I his winnings from the tournament, and it's going to be enough to start our shop." He beamed
I loved hearing him talk about their shop, or anything about their products, something in him always lit up and it made me so happy.
"That's amazing!" I smiled

"Diner!" Molly called
Me and Fred headed down, I managed to find a seat between Fred and Hallie, with George on the other side of her. Fred rested his hand higher up on my thigh, as he usually did. We were all eating peacefully when I heard Apollo say something that caught my attention.
"My main priority is keeping Sage and Serenity safe-"
Serenity? I practically jumped out of my seat.
"PAUSE!" I yelled at him
Everyone at the table paused at my dramatic reaction. Apollo made a grimacing face as if he knew he had been caught.
"Wait a second!" Hallie piped in
"A little slow there." I sarcastically commented

"What was that supposed to mean?" I asked
"And why are your faces red?" Hallie questioned
"I knew they would find out!" Serenity sighed
"I-uhm- listen girls, we were going to tell you eventually, but um. Serenity and I, have been dating secretly." Apollo confessed
My jaw dropped, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. What is going on? Why is everything going down now?
"For how long?" Hallie finally spoke up
"Uhm, a-about three years." Serenity mumbled
"Three years?!" Hallie and I exclaimed in unison

Everyone moved on with their conversations as me and Hallie stared dumbfounded at each other. How had they managed to hide this from us for three years? Were they on the verge of getting married? What is happening?


I had my hand over my mouth as I tried to control my sobs. Little Women got me every time. I was laying on my bed curled against the headboard. Right at the part where Beth died. I had read this book a thousand times but it never gets old, or less emotional.

"Love? What's wrong?" Fred asked rushing over to me
I shook my head as I turned the page, it didn't take him long to realize I was sobbing over the book. He did the only appropriate thing to do and sat next to me, gently stroking my hair as I continued to read.

My Fred was so different from everyone else's Fred. He was always so gentle and kind, sure we quarreled over minor things but. He was always described to me as some cocky playboy who did nothing but skip classes and pull pranks. Sure he did more than enough of that but none seemed to know about the Fred that would hold you for no reason, the one that payed attention to the little things, the Fred that made you feel like you were the only person that mattered in the world.

I finished the rest of the book within the hour, wiping away the last of my tears.
"I'm ok." I smiled "I'm going to go downstairs to pick another book."
I headed downstairs to put the book back on the shelf where I found it, I must say I was surprised to find Little Women in his collection but hey good book taste is good book taste. I decided to pick a book called To Kill a Mockingbird, it caught my interest. Little did I know this book would be leaving me in tears as well.

I headed back up to my room where Fred was, when I walked in he was writing something on a piece of paper. He looked so focused, he looked so good.
"What are you doing?" I asked
He looked up at me for a brief moment "writing up the general prices of our products for our shop. George doesn't want to do it."
"Oh." I responded

I crawled back into the bed and curled up against Fred's side as I started the new book. We sat in silence for about 30 minutes, we had silently moved and adjusted to where his arm was wrapped around me and our legs were intertwined.
"What are you two.... lovebirds up to?" Apollo asked walking into the room

Fred and I jumped apart, we weren't doing anything wrong it just felt awkward to be cuddling in front of my brother.
"I-I'm reading." I stated holding up my book
Although he didn't seem interested as he stared down Fred.
"I'm doing numbers." Fred stated simply holding up the notepad he'd been writing on
"Alright we'll, be sure to leave my sister in this room when you head to yours." Apollo monotoned
We both knew he suspected something after I wasn't in the room when he woke up the first day. Hopefully he never finds out his suspicions were right.
"Yes sir." Fred nodded
"Good." Apollo walked away

"He scares me." Fred looked at me
I nodded in agreement. We returned to our old position until it was time for bed. I walked Fred to the door as he turned around to face me.
"Goodnight Freddie." I smiled
"Goodnight Darling." He leaned down to give me a kiss
"Ahem." Apollo coughed
Fred jumped and ended up giving me a very uncomfortable hug instead of the kiss I'd been anticipating.
"Best wishes Sage." Fred said formally

"Night." I responded blandly
Apollo walked past me into the room as I glared at him.
"What is your problem?" I snapped
Apollo slipped into his bed as he pulled out one of his books
"My problem is him trying to shag my sister in MY room."
"He was not trying to shag me! We were both doing our own thing." I defended "And for the record he hasn't tried to shag me." I lied
"Not yet." Apollo rolled his eyes

"Oh whatever!" I sighed getting into my bed and rolling over to face away from Apollo across the room

1450 Words

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