Chapter 122

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Fred's POV:
I walked out of the bathroom slipping on a jacket. Sage play king peek-a-boo with Edmund on the bed. He reached out for her face every time she got close. Is this what it would feel like to have a family?

There was a meeting for the order tonight, Apollo found it best if he left Edmund with Sage and me and George could go to the meeting with him. Sage looked up at me, she hated us going to these meetings. She was always scared something would happen and the wrong people would walk in.

"We're going." I spoke
"Okay." She paused her game with Edmund to reach out for me
I leaned down wrapping my arms around her, merlin how I love her.
"I love you." She mumbled into my shoulder

"I love you too darling."
How a word as simple as 'I' at the beginning of a sentence can make it so much more endearing. I headed out the door turning to see her blow me a kiss before I left.
"Alright, let's go."

Sage's POV:
I wasn't particularly a baby person, but I dunno, when it's your nephew and you don't have to go home with him. He's the cutest thing ever I could just eat him up. I couldn't help my brain from slipping into wondering if this is what it would feel like to have a family with Fred.

I knew he was a baby person, a family type of person. Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. Edmund cooed at my lack of interaction, as if to say to me 'quit overthinking and play with me.' I smiled at him continuing our game of peek-a-boo.

Once I got tired of that I pulled out a large stack of baby books I had when I was younger from Apollo. That's all I did for the rest of the time. I read Edmund book after book as he dozed off and cooed at me.

Hours later a popping noise alerted me to everyone's return. I bundled Edmund up heading outside to greet them. I was sure Apollo was probably panicking, seeing as I'm the first person he's left Edmund with.

"Hello love." Fred smiled greeting me as I went down the last flight of stairs
"Hey." I replied kissing him gently
"How was the little nephew?" Fred questioned
"An angel, as I knew he would be. He seems to like Alice in Wonderland best."
Fred laughed at me "Did He tell you that?"
I rolled my eyes "You had to be there."

"How was the meeting?" I questioned pouring everyone a cup of tea
"We've had word," Apollo started
I paused looking around at their faces trying to read them.
"They're at Bill's house now," Fred continued
"Are they all ok?"
"I think for the most part they are." Fred nodded
"Most part?"

"They were caught and brought to Malfoy manor and interrogated, something Happened to Hermione and someone else they were with."
"And Clementine? Did they say she was ok?" I asked sitting down
He shook his head "They didn't say, but I'm assuming since they didn't say she wasn't ok that she's alright." Fred reasoned

"Apparently, mom and dad were there too..." Apollo spoke
I scoffed "They wouldn't miss it."
"They said something about using Clementine to find your location or something."
I could feel the color draining from my face "But- surely they wouldn't be able to get any information they don't already know. After last time."
"She'll do anything to get to you."

"But why me? Why not you or someone else?"
"Because you're young, it's easier to twist your mind than their son. She thinks since you lived with her for eight years she has a foothold in your life.
"Oh yeah because killing my grandparents is really the way to get to me." I sighed

After a while of talking Apollo decided it was time to leave. The final fight was approaching quickly. It made me sick to think about how many people wouldn't make it out of this alive. I cuddled closer to Fred that night. He would make it out, I wouldn't let anything happen to him. I couldn't loose him.

"Hey, you alright?" Fred mumbled
"Really?" He sounded skeptical
I took in a deep breath "I'm scared. What if something happens to one of us?"
"It won't, I won't let anything happen to you. I'm not gonna die."
"But what if, what if- if there's an explosion? Or or or you're attacked by a death eater?

"Explosion?" He laughed "that sounds a bit unrealistic darling-"
"It could happen!"
"Alright, alright. I won't die, I promise. Not until I'm very very old."
I buried my face into the crook of his neck taking in a deep breath. He was everything to me.

He gently ran his hand up and down my arm "Nothing is going to happen, to either of us. I won't let it happen." He assured me
"You still want to marry me?" I asked suddenly
"What?" He questioned
"Do you still want to marry me?" I repeated
"What kind of silly question is that?" He chuckled laying his head back down

"I'm being serious." I spoke moving to hover over him
He stared at me for a moment before pulling my head back down to his chest "Of course I do."
"Then let's get married."
"What?" Fred fully sat up

"Yeah, let's just do it. Get married."
"Are you ok?" He questioned
"I'm perfectly fine, I have never been more ok. Why shouldn't we get married?"
"Because our families would kill us."
"So? What can they do? Force us to get a divorce?"

"Because I want a proper wedding and I know you do too." Fred stated
He wasn't wrong but at this point I don't want to hassle with it.
"Because I want to invite everyone who said we wouldn't work and then flip them off after the 'I do's." He smirked

I flopped back onto my pillow, that did sound nice.
"I guess Hallie would kill me if we didn't have an actual wedding." I sighed
"She would." He agreed laying back down "But we will, we will get married one day."

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