Chapter 72

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Sage's POV:
The next few days after that party were horrid. Fred was avoiding me. I rarely saw him at meals as it was with quidditch practice, and now he was avoiding me in the halls. The meals he was at he wouldn't even spare me a glance.

I had no idea what I'd done. He was also starting to hang out with Claudia a lot. Of course there were rumors about it going around, of course I had already cried multiple times about it. Fred hadn't even had the decency to break up with me.

I'm currently up in my dorm, sketching all my emotions out. Seeing as I don't talk about how I'm feeling I have to get it out somehow. A knock on the door causing me to get dragged away from my overly emotional art piece.
"Yes? Oh."

Fred was standing there, looking really uncomfortable. He's probably come to break up with me.
"Sage, hey. I just came to ask for my uh my jumpers back. Since you know, we don't really hang out anymore."

Hang out? Hang out? We don't hang out anymore. We were dating for almost a year and all it was to him was a hangout. I didn't even respond as I turned around and gathered the jumpers I had from him.

I faced him again and shoved the jumpers in his arms and pushed him out of my dorm, slamming the door in his face. I didn't want to se whim again. That's a lie.

He didn't love me anymore obviously. I didn't understand. It was all so sudden, the span of one night. Had his feelings been progressively fading? Had he been leading me on? I gave him everything I had. I felt the tears start to fall down my cheeks as I thought about him. Just another person who's left me. More empty promises. I guess I just wasn't good enough, but I already knew that.

Hallie and George had been fighting my corner for me but it was no use. George had apparently even stopped hanging out with Fred, he was pissed. He said that he wasn't going to let his brother treat his best friend so shitty.

I had stayed up in my dorm until it was time for dinner, I wiped my tears away and cleaned up and headed down. Of course Claudia was sitting between Fred and George at the Gryffindor table, George looking pretty angry about it.

Dinner came and went, although I wasn't excited for class tomorrow. We would be learning about Amortentia in potions tomorrow and I knew what was coming.


I woke up that morning with a pit in my stomach. I wanted Potions class to never happen but sure enough the class rolled around and here I was. Praying not to get picked. I did everything right, he usually only calls on the misbehaving students. I listened, took notes, made the potion perfectly, kept my mouth shut, answered his questions correctly, everything.
"Miss. Jackson."

I could have cried, the one time, the one single solid time I really didn't want him calling on me. I did everything right. Was this just for the fun of embarrassing me? I heard a few students snicker as I inched my way to the front. Snape quickly silencing them.

I stood at his desk with my hands folded in front of me and my head lowered as far as possible. I wanted to die.
"Tell the class what you smell."
I leaned forward slightly catching a scent from the potion.
"I-I uhm I smell, fireworks, warm vanilla, cinnamon, cologne, and fresh baked cookies."

Once I had finished I quickly walked back to my seat and sat there quietly until class was over. I told Hallie about what I had smelled and she agreed it was in fact Fred. Making my loss all the more painful. He probably wasn't coming back.

Fred's POV:
I had been shooting spit wads at some Slytherin in our class when Snape decided to call on me.
"Mr. Weasley."
"Yes?" George and I responded in unison
"You." He said dramatically pointing at me

I rolled my eyes before dragging myself out of my seat and to the front of the class. We had been learning about Amortentia and now he was forcing students to come up to the front and smell it. Not much got more embarrassing than that.

Of course I didn't have to smell some potion to know that Claudia was my soulmate. We hadn't been dating for long but I knew we were meant to be together. George wasn't happy about it though. Something about betraying Sage or something like that. You cant control fate though, and that's what her and I were.

I casually stood at Snape's desk with my hands in my pockets. This class wasn't my favorite, or the most interesting.
"Go on then. Tell the class what you smell." Snape frowned
He hated me. I took in a deep breath figuring out what I smelled in the potion.

"I smell, rain, lavender, old books, vanilla, and freshly baked cookies."
George's head perked up as soon as I had finished listing what I smelled. I don't remember Claudia particularly smelling like any of those things but it couldn't have been anyone else.

The rest of class passed with me throwing things at other students that I disliked, some call it immature but I call it poetic justice. Whatever that means. I left class and started heading to my next one.
"Hello my lovely." Claudia smiled coming up next to me
"Hey." I smiled

"I brought you something!" She smiled handing me a cup
"Thanks." I said taking the cup from her and taking a sip
She brought me a drink every time she saw me. The drink didn't taste particularly good but I forced myself to drink it so I wouldn't hurt her feelings.

She wrapped herself around my arm as I continued to walk.
"Where are you going my love?" She asked
"To class." I responded
"You're going to see another girl aren't you?" She accused
I stopped dead in my tracks and looked at her
"What? No, I'm not. Why would you think that?" I asked placing my hands on her shoulders

She started sobbing. Well more like wailing, she never actually cried with tears. She said it was some rare mental disease that prevents her from actually crying.
"No one loves me! There are so many other girls out there who are prettier than me, I don't blame you for not liking me. There are lots of girls prettier than me." She cried

"What? No! I do love you, no one could ever be prettier than you. Not to me." I comforted
I noticed some students giving us weird looks, I felt kind of embarrassed. Which was odd, I never felt embarrassed when sage used to get upset. Although she wasn't often visibly upset, while Claudia has a problem everyday.

"Listen, I've got to get to class. We can talk about this later." I said walking away

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