Chapter 19

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Sage's POV:
I had just left the library, heading back to my dorm to get another book and deliver a letter to Neptune in the owlery. I had finished the first book I grabbed this morning and I needed another one. I had also written a letter to my brother at home. The weather was beginning to chill and I was finally able to break out my cable knit sweaters. The first snow wouldn't be far away from now. Once I made it to my dorm I grabbed my book and headed back out and off to send my letter. About halfway there I heard a soft crying from down one of the corridors, looking around I couldn't see anyone but then I noticed a dark figure crouched against the wall.

"Hello?" I called
The crying subsided into a small sniffle and the figure shifted.
"Sage? Is that you?" MC sniffed
I rushed over to her dark figure down the hallway.
I wrapped my arms around her "What happened? Why are you crying?"
"He-he broke up with me!" she sobbed
I held her as she cried in my arms, trying to be as soothing as possible. After about 15 minutes her sobs had turned into small cries and she had gathered herself enough to explain.

"My boyfriend, he sent me a letter saying we were over, that he had found some other girl, and that he had cheated on me all year while I was here. He thinks I'm a freak! After five years!" She sobbed
"Oh MC I'm so sorry, you don't deserve that." I mumbled into her hair

It was clear that this was a hard hit for her, and all I wanted to do was ease her suffering. After a while of MC crying in my arms George passed by and noticed us. He came over and helped me comfort MC.

Little time skip~

I was walking out of my class with Hallie, metting up with Fred and walking together.
"Hey. Where's George? I don't appreciate being the third wheel." Hallie jokingly complained
I shot her a glare for embarrassing me.
"Dunno" Fred replied
But I did. Once George had found me and MC in the hallway he offered to stay and comfort MC so I could get to class. I accepted and as far as I know he's still with her. MC didn't want anyone to know about what had happened so I was going to feign ignorance.

"Go hang out with Karl or something. Leave me alone" I hissed
"Oooo~" Hallie winked at me
This time, I shoved her playfully and walked off. I could still hear Hallie's laugh from down the hallway. Fred just chuckled at me and Hallie's antics while walking along with me. I always enjoyed my time with Fred, I feel like I could share anything and everything with him. Except my feelings of course. We often just ran around the school for fun and hang out, but this is one of the first times we've been alone like this. George usually accompanies us. Not including when I was sick, and when we were in detention alone. Of course he's just walking me to my class so it isn't a big deal.

It just always felt like he actually wanted to know about me. Each time I talk to him I find more I love about him.

Fred's POV:
I have, no idea what's going on with me. I always want to be around Sage, but when I am around her my heart rate goes up and I get nervous. Which makes no sense. It's just Sage, I've known her for years and she's one of my best friends. So it makes no sense that all of a sudden everything is different.

George thinks I fancy her but I don't think that's it. She would never like me back anyway if I did feel that way about her. But I mean it's Sage- Sage, my best friend right next to George. There's no way I could like her like that. That's crazy, that's totally-

"Fred?" I snapped back into reality and stared into her eyes. Her brown beautiful eyes, though they didn't look brown. They were so dark you couldn't make out her pupils, she calls them her black holes but they aren't.

They were perfect, especially when light reflected in them. They looked like two small moving galaxies and it felt like they could capture you for thousands of years. That didn't sound so bad.

"Fred? Earth to Fredrick?"
Merlin, I keep spacing out.
"Uhm, yeah sorry." I replied rubbing the back of my neck nervously
"Someone is trying to get your attention." Sage mumbled while pointing behind us
I turned around to look where she was pointing and regretted it immediately.

There was Angelina waving at me from down the hallway running to catch up with me. I could see the searing glare Sage was giving her, it could melt bones. Angelina caught up with us and the first thing she did was shove Sage out of the way and latch onto me. Bloody hell someone save me...

Angelina started to talk my ear off and drag me away. She wouldn't let me go back to Sage and before I knew it she was out of sight and I was stuck with Angelina. I guess it's time to jump off the astronomy tower.

After classes

Sage's POV:
I lazily flipped through a book in the library trying to study Herbology. After a few minutes Clementine came and sat with me.
"So how was your alone time with Fred?" Clementine teased, sounding all too much like Hallie

"Alone time? He was just walking me to my class." I retorted, slightly annoyed upon remembering how Angelina had stolen him
Clementine stared down at her book smirking, "Hallie told me it was alone time."
I instinctively rolled my eyes "And you believed Hallie? She's a menace!"
Clementine laughed at my comment. "Fair enough."

I had only been studying for a few minutes after that before I decided to strike up a new conversation.
"Soooooo~ I heard from Hallie that you spent some time in the forest with Harry."

Clementines cheeks turned bright red and she looked up at me.
"We we're just talking." She replied
"Ok, then why were you hanging out with him and not Finn?" I asked
Clementine's gaze quickly shot up to meet mine "What is that supposed to mean? I do have other guy friends other than Finn."
"I know. I'm just saying, Finn might be jealous." I shrugged raising my eyebrows at her
"What? Why would Finn be jealous?" She asked
I stared at her blankly for a moment before I started to laugh. Merlin, she's is daft. Apparently I laughed a little too hard.

"What?!" Clementine nudged my shoulder and I almost fell off my chair laughing
"It's so obvious Finn likes you!" I said, starting to question if she really hadn't noticed
"Umm, no- just because I have a friend, that is a boy does not mean that they like me." She stated trying to prove me wrong
"Do you think Fred, George, or Ron have feelings for me?" She commented
I just rolled my eyes.

I sat up straight and looked at her. "That's not what I mean Clementine. Have you seen the way Finn looks at you? Literal heart eyes, every time. Maybe the way he treats you differently than literally everyone else including other girls? How Harry gets jealous of you and Finns relationship? How Harry overprotective of you when you're with Finn?"

One statement and I destroyed Clementine's argument. I have a real knack for that. She just stood there staring at me contemplating.
"Ok we'll just because you might be right doesn't make me oblivious alright?" She jutted a finger in my face
I just raised my eyebrow at her and shook my head letting out a little chuckle.

1321 Words

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