Chapter 15

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Third Person POV:
Sage was making her way to Snape's classroom for her first day of detention. It felt strange for Sage to be going to detention since she had always been a pretty model student, but it felt worth it to know Pepper had broken her nose and was in the hospital wing. She turned the corner and made my way to the classroom, when she had entered there was Snape standing like a demonic pillar behind his desk. Despite hating potions class Sage was fascinated by the classroom itself. Potion bottles and herbs lined the walls and shelves. All the potions were different colors and some of them even glowed, since the room was so dimly lit it made the room all the more magical to be in. Snape cleared his throat and began speaking in his monotone voice
"Today the two of you will be cleaning and organizing my classroom and my supply closet." He simply stated
She paused, the two of us? She slowly turned to her left to see none other than Fredrick Weasley standing on the other side of the room. Perfect posture, hands folded in front of him, and his face molded into the perfect serious face. She's have been avoiding Fred like the literal plague, of course She had to get detention with him.

    Sage's head was swirling as Snape explained the expectations and left the room. He slammed the door and the two were alone. She stood there a perfect statue as Fred started to move towards the cleaning supplies. He didn't say a word, he just picked up the cleaning supplies and got to work. After about 15 minutes the silence became almost unbearable.
"Do you just aren't speaking to me anymore?" Fred questioned
Sage paused taking potions off the shelves and slowly turned to look at him, he was looking straight at her. Sage was caught under his intense gaze and there was no escaping.
"You seem to do enough of that with other people, I'm sure you don't need me." Sage started blandly
"Oh please don't give me that. You haven't had a problem speaking to me before last week!" He said, starting to get louder
"I can speak with whoever I please."  Sage retorted
"Oh come on! You are obviously upset with me, just tell me what I did!" He yelled
"Why don't you go ask your girlfriend!" Sage roared, chucking the cleaning cloth at Fred

(That escalated quickly.)

    Fred dodged the cloth and looked at Sage in bewilderment, he had never seen her yell before. Much less yell at him.
"Girlfriend? What girlfriend?" He questioned
"Oh don't play games with me. I saw you with Angelina in the courtyard. You were basically wearing her!" Sage hissed
After that display she just spun around and continued her cleaning job while Fred stood there staring at her with wide eyes. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.
"You're jealous." He simply stated, Sage scoffed
"You are!" He exclaimed
"I am not." She muttered
"You are! You're jealous! You are! You are!" Fred cheered
"I am not! Why on earth would I be jealous of Angelina Jonson? Huh? Little miss perfect grades, perfect looks, quidditch playing Angelina. Thats ridiculous!" Sage snapped

Fred them cautiously made his way over and sat down on the floor next to Sage cupping her face in his hands.
"You needn't worry, none could ever replace you." He started with his signature smirk
Sage blinked up at him, and she could feel her face heating up again.
"Besides you're my girl!" He exclaimed
Sage rolled her eyes but in reality her heart had been mended, the fear that she was getting replaced and that she wasn't good enough started to dissipate and all she wanted to do was jump for joy. Though she wouldn't.
"Besides, I'm scared of you now. I don't want you to break my nose." He joked releasing her face from his gentle grip. Sage laughed and looked around the room attempting to conceal her happiness and embarrassment.
"I guess we better finish this otherwise we'll be here till midnight." Sage reasoned
"Hey, that wouldn't be the worst thing in the world." He winked at her

Sage's face went up in flames.... again, and they finished their detention work job. The rest of the week went on like that, she got stuck in detention with Fred everyday. She was happy with that though.

Time skippy~

It's the day before summer break and Sage was heading out of Professor Sprout's office after serving a short detention, she was heading to the courtyard to meet up with MC. She hadn't seen her since the drama began and Sage was missing her friend.
"There you are!" MC exclaimed
Sages smiled and waved at her friend, if you ever saw the two girls together their dress style wouldn't be all that different but their personalities couldn't be more opposite. MC was the outgoing party girl while Sage was the antisocial coffee drinker. But, they made it work, in fact their differences actually complimented each other. The two girls sat down on a bench under a tree and Sage asked MC about what she was doing over the summer. Turns out MC was finally going to visit her muggle boyfriend who's she been with for 3 years now. She hadn't seen him since she left for her first year in Hogwarts and she was excited to see him. It was strange for Sage to think about how another year was over already. She thought about the recent drama that had happened and she wondered what this next year would bring.

    Everyone had been hearing about Harry Potter since last year and naturally everyone knew bout each new crazy thing Harry went through each year. Last year it was professor Quirrell, this year the chamber of secrets, and the twins little sister Ginny had gotten snatched. Luckily everyone survived but dang, school had gotten crazy since Harry had arrived. Clementine often talked about the things his little group went through and it was always fascinating to hear about. Before Sage knew it time had passed, it was time to go pack and then- it was time to go home.

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