Chapter 101

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Sage's POV:
I sighed happily, waking up wrapped up in the arms of the man I had been missing so desperately. I could feel him breathing deeply meaning he was still asleep. I cuddled myself closer to him feeling slightly chilly. Despite everything, despite the dangerous times, the overpowering anxiety, the separation him and I had still managed to stay the same.

I wanted more than anything to lie here and never move again. Fred took in one last deep breath before shifting a bit, meaning he was now awake. He pulled back a bit probably expecting me to still be asleep.
"Blimey, what time is it?" He groaned
I had almost forgotten what his morning voice sounded like, Gods did it do things to me.

"I dunno, I've been laying here staring at you." I smiled gently
"You could have woken me up." He said stretching slightly
Only to move back to his previous position with his arms wrapped around me.
"I didn't want to, you were sleeping pretty well."
"It doesn't sound like anyone is awake yet."
I listened intently for a moment "No, I guess not."

"You know, I did sleep better last night. Probably cause I didn't have to worry about you since you were right next to me." Fred smiled bopping my nose
"Probably." I said trying to move closer to him
"What's with the clingy?" He chuckled slightly
"It's cold." I whined "I don't wanna get up, I wanna lay here. Forever."
"We can lay here till everyone gets up." Fred replied pulling me closer to him

We lay there comfortably for a moment before Fred started peppering my face with little kisses causing me to laugh.
"Stop it! That tickles!" I quietly screamed
George's snoring caused both of us to jump and start laughing. I think we both forgot he was there.
"WAKE UP!" Hallie shouted bursting into the room
All three of us jumped poor George getting scared awake.
"I don't have any money!" George yelled on instinct only to groan and flop back into his pillows

I laughed getting out of bed "I'll get them up, you, you go about your day." I said trying to keep Hallie from shouting again
I walked over to George's bed, easing myself onto the edge.
"Georgie." I cooed "It's time to wake up."
George looked at me with his baby face as I brushed his hands out of his face.
"You're so much nicer." George said pouching out his bottom lip

"Come on, flattery isn't going to work. Get up." I said gently pulling back the blankets
"No! It's cold!" George cried
"Well then her dressed." I retorted
Fred was already in the bathroom turning on the shower so I headed back to Ginny's room to change. Jumper and trousers, what else was I gonna wear? Some fuzzy socks too, obviously it was Fred's jumper but don't tell him that.

"Morning." everyone greeted as they all made their way down the stairs for breakfast
"I was going to put up decorations today but I forgot I have shopping to do." Molly spoke
"Oh can I go with? I have things I need to get." Hallie piped in
"Of course dear, does anyone else need to go too?" Molly asked
Surprisingly everyone except Fred, George, and I said yes. I guess everyone waited to do their Christmas shopping.

"Can we stay here and put up decorations?" I asked excitedly
"Yes, if the boys know where they are." Molly replied looking between the twins
"Of course-"
"We know mum."
Once breakfast had finished everyone got their shoes and their coats on and headed out, making sure they looked extra inconspicuous.

"Alright! Where are the decorations?" I asked
Apollo never was much on decorating and obviously I never did at the mansion so I was to say the least excited.
"Can we put muggle Christmas movies on and bake cookies too?" George asked getting excited with me
I gasped "Thats a bloody brilliant idea!"
"I'm making hot chocolate too!" George responded
"Obviously." I laughed

"Ok you two get the decorations and I will get the moving pictures and the hot coco." George spoke heading towards the kitchen
"You two." Fred laughed shaking his head
I quickly followed behind Fred who headed to the very top of the house, where I had never been before. There was a door at the top of the ceiling in which Fred had to jump slightly to reach the handle. He pulled it open and a ladder came down for us to get up.
"Alright I'll go get the boxes and hand them to you since you're tall enough to reach." I spoke
"Alright, it's literally all the boxes that say Christmas on them." Fred explained

We talked about the decorations that were in the box and where we would put them as I climbed up the ladder. When I got up there though he went dead silent.
"Are all the boxes the ones on the left or are there other ones?" I yelled

"Mhm." Was all he responded with
"Fred!" I said bending down to see him
"Huh, what?" He said snapping out of whatever universe he was in
"I asked if all the boxes to the left were it or if there were others." I repeated
"Oh, uh yeah I think those are it."

I heard him mumble something but I couldn't make it out.
"Fred I swear if you are staring at my ass." I said jokingly
"I am." He said bluntly
"What?" I asked "I was joking!"
"I'm not." He smirked
"Oh, take the box!" I said flustered shoving a box towards him

We finally hauled all the boxes downstairs and stared at them while George handed us all a mug of hot chocolate.
"So how does it feel knowing it's your last year at Hogwarts?" George asked
"Hm, a bit sad. I have so many happy memories there but I think everyone is glad to be out of school and free to do their own thing."

"You could start a business." George spoke "Live with us, I think they're going to be selling the property next to us soon."
I laughed "With what money? What would I even do with the shop?" I questioned
"You could get the money, enter a lottery or something." Fred piped in
"You could seek magical paintings and art pieces." George continued
"It's a thought." I mumbled
"Another thought is getting these decorations set up before mum comes home." Fred spoke
"You're right." I smiled "Lets get unboxing!"

1100 Words

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