Chapter 9

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Year 3

Sage's POV:
    Me and Hallie had just gotten out of class and we were making our way to the library, while also looking for clementine. We had been talking about how she was only in her second year and she did literally nothing other than read. I mean sure, 80% of my life was reading and doing other creative things but even I got out a little. As we entered the library me and Hallie talked about the class we had just come from, potions. The class wasn't especially difficult but Snape seemed to be in a bad mood all the time now, so the class become more tedious. Rumor has it he's in a mood because Harry Potter started attending school, wich seemed like a ridiculous reason but maybe there's more to it than I'm aware of. We found a table in a quiet part of the library and spotted Clementine at the same time, I set my books down and called Clementine er to us.
"Hey, Clementine come here!" I called

She lifted her head from the book she was reading while unconsciously pushing her glasses up on her face.
"Coming" she replied
She stood up and grabbed a stack of books, then making her way over to us.
"Hey Hallie, hi Sage. Did you guys need something?" She questioned
I took her books and set them on the table, then placed my fists firmly on my hips.
"We knew we would find you here" Hallie stated from behind me
Clementine let out a small laugh and responded "Aren't I always here?" She retorted
Me hand Hallie both nodded in agreement
"We wanted to talk to you," I started "because you never do anything other than read and I wanted to do stuff"

Clementine continued to persist that reading and playing with her cat was good enough for her and that she totally did other things. Hallie and I just gave her skeptical looks, not at all convinced by her testimony. Scolding her about her social life turned into the "don't you have a crush?" Topic, wich she didn't. That's fine of course but it just proved our point that she needed too get out more. Hallie looked at me with a smug spark in her eye,
"I know someone who has a crush on one of the Weasley Twins~"
I quickly smacked my hand over Hallie's mouth.
"Shut up" I mumbled
Clementine just laughed at us.
"Cmon I think I know who it is based off your reaction"

I slouched in my chair, internally groaning at Hallie who just laughed at me.
"So, go on. Tell who it is" Clementine urged
Before Hallie could get a syllable out of her mouth, I casually shoved her off the chair she was sitting in. All three of us were having to smother our laughter, which we weren't doing a very good job of. After being shushed too many times and not wanting Pince to come and kick us out we decided to head to Clementines room. On the way there however, we had the misfortune of running into Pepper. Naturally she made some snide remarks about how we were a group of wannabe popular girls and how we would never be more than a group of homeless people. We just ignored her though since her use of the word homeless was too dramatic for us to take seriously.

    "So, Clementine, got any friends other than us?" Hallie questioned once we got back to Clementines room.
"Well, no not yet." She confessed while sitting down on the bed next to Hallie.
Clementine's cat Peaches came over and brushed herself against Clementine's legs.
"We could try introducing you to some people" I suggested while leaning back on my elbows.
"I'm good, I rather make friends on my own" she responded
"Suit yourself then" I retorted
"I think its an honor we are your only friends" Hallie expressed making the three of us laugh

    "We should probably start heading to the Great Hall for lunch" I reasoned.
Hallie looked at me with another one if her smirks. "Or do you just want to see Fred" she teased
I shoved Hallie and rolled my eyes walking out, while the two girls laughed at me. Once we got there the three of us sat down together and the twins joined shortly after. Surprisingly a few minutes after I had started talking with them, both Hallie and Clementine joined the conversation. Once lunch had finished Hallie decided to go out to the black lake to do some herbology and I decided to go to the library and study for my astronomy test coming up. Clementine decided to head with me since she preferred to be in the library anyway. We separated when I went off to find the book I was looking for. After a few hours I had finished my reading and it was past dinner time so I went to see if Clementine was still in the library. When I found her she was talking to a first year with light golden brown, really, really frizzy hair.

    I found out the girls name was Hermione, she seemed nice enough but we also left the library too soon for me to get an actually good idea of what she was like. I walked back to the common room with Clementine, congratulating her on making a new friend. Eventually Hallie caught up with us and we told her what happened, she also congratulated Clementine and seemed to be in a overly upbeat mood. I questioned if something had happened, in which she confessed that she ran into Karl and had a nice talk with him. Me and Clementine teased her for a good while about that in the common room before deciding it was a good time to head to bed. Me and Hallie went up to our room and got ready for bed. We talked for a while about our astronomy test before Hallie went to bed and turned out the light. I went over by the window, opened it and sat in the windowsill while French braiding my hair into two braids. The wind had a delicious chill to it, looking up at the stars with the wind blowing the half undone part of my hair around while I braided the other half, it felt like euphoria. Once I had finished i closed the window and got into bed, falling asleep not long after.

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