Chapter 63

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Sage's POV:
"Good morning Sage!" Claudia chirped
I couldn't stop the eye roll that escaped upon hearing her overly high pitched voice as I took a sip of my coffee.
"Aren't you in Slytherin?" I asked
"Yeah! I was almost in Hufflepuff, the hat said I was cute and nice and caring enough but he said I was too smart to be in Hufflepuff so I was placed in Slytherin. So I'm basically a Hufflepuff."
I've only known this girl for like a week and I want to throat punch her. Me and Hallie exchanged disgusted looks.

"I love your outfit today! Although I don't really like the brown color scheme, it's not my style. I don't really like the fancy but comfortable style either. But you can pull it off well enough." She smiled
I could feel Hallie leaning forward trying to restrain her growing anger.
I cleared my throat "so Hallie what are you doing today?" I asked
"Hanging out with you probably, maybe Karl for a while." She monotoned

As soon as breakfast was over me and Hallie basically ran, away from Claudia.
"First there's Pepper, then Angelina, then Georgi, now Claudia. What is it with you and attracting these people?!" Hallie wheezed
"I don't know." I breathed "But I'm tired of it."


"Well we made it the whole day, without having to deal with her." Hallie laughed
I laughed with her right as Claudia ran up to us. She had someone else with her as she approached us. She ran up and hugged me really aggressively, making me more than uncomfortable.
"This is my best friend Sage!" She introduced me
"We hang out all the time we're so similar-"
"Excuse me?" Hallie interrupted

I sucked in a breath knowing well what was about to go down.
"You are not her best friend, I am. You haven't been friends with her for most of your life, her family doesn't know you. I don't see you having your own space at her house. So stop kidding yourself because she's mine and you can back up." Hallie raged
I stood there tying not to laugh at Claudia getting shut down. Claudia just stood there in shock, then walked off. It was kind of awkward but definitely deserved. I don't think it was enough to scare her off though.

Lowkey Big Time Skip

The third task was only a week away already, it was the final task, the end game, the final stretch. It quite literally came down to this. Everyone was nervous but none more than the champions, especially Harry. We all did our best to comfort him but nothing would work. Not even Clementine could help, and they were basically dating.

Currently I'm sat on Fred's lap with my arms wrapped around his neck as he places kisses on mine. I never really had to worry about things going to far with him since I had embarrassingly told him I just wasn't ready. Despite what my dreams have been telling me. He understood, and promised he wouldn't go too far and if he did that I was to tell him to stop. He was the best thing that had happened to me in a long while, despite our petty fights every so often.

"I think it's time to start heading down for dinner." I whispered
Fred continued kissing my neck, simply replying with a hum.
"Freddie, people are going to wonder where we are."
He started moving up from my neck until he reached my lips. I smiled into the kiss as I tried getting up. Finally Fred broke our kiss and stared at me for a moment.
"What?" I asked
"Merlin, you're just so bloody beautiful." He mumbled
Pulling me closer to him he rested his head on my shoulder. My face was red as I thought about what he said. I always assumed having a boyfriend meant cat calling and ass grabbing and joking around. Which it did include some of that but I wasn't prepared for the awe struck gazes, the corny heartfelt comments, or how the word beautiful almost meant more than the word hot. Now I understand why couples do those gross lovey stuff.

He stood up not letting me go.
"Fred!" I screeched
He gently set me down, still holding onto me and staring. Heat rushed to my face again and I quickly grabbed his hand and walked off.
"Come on Freddie."
We walked down the hallway and I could feel him still staring at me.

Fred's POV:
I watched as her curls bounced as she walked and her hips swayed. I don't think I'll ever understand how I managed to get someone as goddess like as her to like me. I mean I never thought I was ugly and sure plenty of girls have tried dating me but she just threw me for a loop.
"Since when did you start calling me Freddie?" I asked

She stopped dead in her tracks and looked up at me, her cheeks still tinted pink.
"I- uhm- uh I- I don't know. Why does it bother you? I can stop-"
"No! It doesn't bother me at all. Just none has really called me that before and I was just curious."
I continued walking down the hall.

We made it to dinner in enough time for none to question anything. We sat down like normal only this time Hallie was sitting next to sage instead of across from her. I instinctively placed my hand on Sage's thigh and Dumbledore made his nightly announcements.

Sage's POV:
I noticed Hallie look down at my thigh where Fred's hand was and her eyes widened. I felt my ears getting warmer as she placed a hand on my shoulder and leaned me in to whisper to me.
"Why. Is. His. Hand. There?" He snapped
"Uh- uhm- I-" I stuttered
"You two are nasty." She monotoned
"No it's- it's not like that-"
"I don't wanna hear about it." She said dramatically covering her ears

We ate dinner fairly normally, besides Harry being nervous about the next task, which was quickly coming upon us. It feels like it was just the second task. Hopefully everyone will make it out generally unscathed after this last task, surely they wouldn't let underage students die.

1055 Words

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