Chapter 94

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Sage's POV:
I quickly rushed up to Apollo giving him the tightest hug ever. I felt like I hadn't seen him in ages and now he was engaged. He was standing with Serenity on his arm, letting go of her to embrace me back.
"I'm so excited for you!" I said muffled by his shoulder

I pulled back to look at him. He had a small cut on his cheek, which he had already told me was from work. He was wearing a long sleeve shirt with jeans and his pair of matching converse we had.
"I see you gained more freckles over the year." He laughed slightly
"Too much time outside." I responded

Hallie came up behind me putting her hands on my shoulder making me gasp slightly.
"Well well we'll, look who came to see you." She smirked pointing at Fred and George walking up to us and their family. It probably wasn't hard to find us since we were standing in a large group of me, Hallie, Apollo, Serenity, Molly, Arthur, Harry, Ron, Lee, and Ginny.

My face brightened as I ran up to Fred, he wrapped me in a right embrace that picked me up clear off the floor.
"I missed you darling!" He smiled
"I missed you too!"
He set me down not letting go of me for a moment longer. I knew everyone was probably staring at us but I didn't really care, I had missed him.
"Ok! You're not the only one who wants to hug her." George complained

I laughed "I'm sorry Georgie."
"Yeah yeah whatever." He said playfully rolling his eyes as he hugged me
"You two look like fancy business men." I said stepping back to look at their outfits
"Well that's because we are fancy business men Boo." George responded

We walked over to the group as I laced my fingers with Fred's, asking him questions about the shop. The twins congratulated Apollo and Serenity and thanked their mum again for not disowning them as she wrapped them in a hug. We all stood on the platform catching up with each other. Eventually we all had to go. I promised to visit the twins shop soon, Serenity kissed Apollo goodbye, Hallie and I exchanged a smirk and a hug and we were all off.

I arrived home with a sigh of relief, it was always nice to be home after doing a lot of traveling all day. I cuddled with Rosey and talked with Apollo. We talked about what I was going to wear to his wedding, what the theme was, what he was wearing, what the groomsmen were wearing. I had a lot of questions.

"So are you excited to be related to Hallie?" Apollo asked
My jaw dropped. I hadn't thought about the fact that we would be related. I sat forward quickly. He looked at me surprised I hadn't thought of this.
"Oh my gods. I'm going to be related to my best friend! This is amazing!"
I went on for another 20 minutes about how Hallie and I were going to be related. Apollo just humored me and pretended to be excited for me.

We watched a movie on the couch until I fell sleep with the dog.


"Morning sleepyhead." Apollo smiled leaning over the back of the couch
"Morning." I yawned
"I'm heading into Daigon Alley with Serenity in a few hours." Apollo told me while slipping on his shirt
"Wait! Can I go with you? Pleaseeeeeeeeee?" I asked
"Why? Do you need something?" He asked
"Uhm... no I was, well I was wanting to visit the twins shop. PLEASE, you could leave me there and then just come pick me up when you're leaving, I won't be a nuisance! Please please please. I've been dying to go!" I begged

"Oh alright. I'll drop you off there and go meet Serenity." He agreed
"Thank you!" I said hopping up to get ready
I got dressed quickly and did my hair, I was excited to finally see the twins shop. I knew they were already open so I was worried they might be too busy to show me around but I would still get to see the place at least.

"Weasley Wizard Wheezes." I told Apollo
He apparated to right in front of the shop. It was incredible. There were fireworks going off from inside, the shop was purple with orange window accents and a giant Weasley Twin stood through the front window, towering taller than the shop itself, tipping its hat inviting you in. There was also a small rabbit poking out from under the hat. You could hear the chatter of children going wild in the joke shop. It was so lively compared to the dark desolate appearance of the rest of the Alley.

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