The Sangheili Mech's Secrets Part 2

Start from the beginning

Catherine: Mom, I know this is gonna sound strange and unheard of but...him and I need your help with something.

Dr.Halsey: That is unheard of from you and him, and this problem is?

Elizabeth: They brought a Sangheili Mech that is somehow involved with-

Dr.Halsey: The Mother?

Catherine: Yeah, how do you?

Dr.Halsey: Saw it on the news a few days ago.

Catherine: If you know about the Mother then how come it was such a surprise to you Elizabeth?

Elizabeth: I haven't been on TV for awhile.

Dr.Halsey: So, what do you need from it?

Catherine: We need your help to repair it and help us gather some information from it's memory camera and we also need some Covenant tools to do so. Think you can help us?

Dr.Halsey: Heh, now this will be a easy thing for me but it'll be more easier with you guys here. Bring it here and we'll get right into it.

Catherine: Thanks Ma!

Catherine contacts Jack

Jack: Please tell me your calling me because she's not here.

Catherine: Luck isn't on your side bro

Jack: Damn it!

Catherine: Bring the Mech here in Mom's lab we're gonna do it.

Jack: What?! Me?! Oh no no no I thought you said you was gonna bring her here and then I'll leave.

Catherine: Jack it doesn't really matter just bring it here. PLEASE!! Just see her for a sec and get it over with!

Jack: Yeah and then it'll lead to an argument which you don't like!

Catherine: Well you better make sure you keep your inside voice in at all cost. Just bring the damn thing!

Jack: Ughh fine! I'm coming and getting outta there.

Catherine: And try to say hi for at least a second

Jack: Yeah yeah, Jack out.

He hangs up

Catherine: Damn he's such a Rust Headed Rust Headed bastard!

Few minutes later.

Jack: Alright....damn this thing is heavy.

Jack starts breathing heavy non-stop cuz of the large box luggage he had to pull all the way to Dr.Halsey's lab.

Catherine: Oh I forgot that thing is heavy, sorry!

Jack: Sorry my...ass.

Jack stops for a sec to catch his breath and strength but sees Dr.Halsey looking at him with a disappointed and a little mad face on her as Jack looks confused.

Catherine: Psst

Jack: Hm?

whispering to Jack

Catherine: Say "hey Mom"

Jack: i'm not gonna say that.

Caterine: Just say it please.

Jack: ugh, h-hey Mom, It's been awhile.

Dr.Halsey: Yes... it's been two years you know.

Jack: Uhh, well at least I can say one thing heh heh....sorry.

Dr.Halsey: Sorry for taking Catherine with you without making a call to us?

Jack: Oh geez, I-I did say I was gonna join the U.N.S.F to become a pilot with Max.

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