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Mo'at comes home letting out a sigh. She was exhausted from having to talk to so many people.

Asking her where Jake was.

Why didn't he show up?

Is he sick?

"Jake!" Mo'at calls walking up the stairs of her home tree.


And she hears the sound of him laughing. She pauses by the entrance that lead to the main room. Placing her hand on the bark.

"Turn your finger this way" Jake voices "wow you really got it stuck" he laughs

"Well it's mine why would it be stuck?"

"maybe because you put it on the wrong damn finger" he retorts "or maybe because you wedged it in between my necklace..."

"Stop yelling at me"

"I'm not even yelling at you" Jake laughs

Mo'at just smiles listening to them. The first time in a long time that Jake wasn't brooding with guilt. Paying for sins that he didn't commit.

She sighs walking back down the stairs to let them mend things.


"Hey" Jake greets sitting on the table and picking food off. Mo'at arrives back home later that night. She walks over to swat his hand from dirtying the rest of her food "Ow! Ok ok! I'll stop"

She glared at him. "You seem in a better mood today"

And he just chuckles "don't really know what you are talking about"

"Really? I didn't see you at your own ceremony last night" she teases grabbing a bamboo leaf to formally take out food and hand it to him.

"Uhhh..Something came up that I had to deal with"

"Ah" Mo'at says looking over at him "you smell nice today"


"Smell like Levy"

Jake chokes on his own spit and starts walking away from her.  Not being able to deal with her taunts.

"Your ring is gone" Mo'at says and Jake holds up his hand

"Right here" he responds

"The other one Jake" she says pointing to her own neck and he just rolls his eyes at his mother.

"Nosey today aren't you" he throws back

Mo'at just laughs knowing her plan was starting to finally pay off.

"Are you staying here tonight?"

Jake turns to his mother "I...think I'm gonna go home tonight"

"By yourself? Alone?"

And he just laughs "You need to stay out of my personal life" 

"Olo'eyktan or not I will still smack you for back talking me. I am your mother first boy"

Jake just laughs at his mother before walking over and kissing her head.


"Uh huh. That's what I thought."

"I'll see you later"

"I want you two both here for breakfast tomorrow" she shouts as Jake calls for his Ikran.

"I'll see what I can do" he says

"That's a yes!" She corrects "If you don't show up with her I'm throwing you out too!" she threaten wagging her finger over to him

Jake sighs

"I meant it!"

"Alright! I get it" he says back

IKIGAI / Jake Sully Where stories live. Discover now